We're all fighting growing old

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(You may notice that I say "Your son" instead of Declan in this imagine.  I just kind of find it weird to actually write Declan as your son with Patrick.  I mean, it's weird enough that we write ourselves to be with a married man with kid(s?).  I know, I'm weird.  I'm just very protective of Patrick and his family.)

You rolled over in bed with a yawn, assuming it was around 10:00.  Also assuming that Patrick was still dead asleep.  To your surprise, you saw him sitting up, leaning forward and hugging his knees.

You sat up and placed your hand softly on his shoulder, rubbing it gently.  "Is something wrong?"  You asked in concern.  The only times you would see him like this in the mornings, something was always wrong.

He looked at you, and then continued his gaze staring at the wall. 
"I'm so old."  He said with a chuckle in a sigh. 
You laughed as you were pulling the covers back to get up.

"Why do you think that?"  You asked, hoping his self esteem hadn't taken another drastic drop to worse than it already was.
He followed you out of bed and replied, "Our kid is turning two today."

Your mouth sarcastically dropped open and you pretended to be offended.  "You said our kid, therefore you're saying I'm old too." 
"Oh...oopse..."  He mumbled, coming up behind you and wrapping his arms around your waist apologetically.
He rested his chin on your shoulder and you pat his head like a dog.  "Just kidding, neither of us are getting old."  You said reassuringly, and then laughed.  "Man, if you consider yourself old, then you must consider Pete ancient."  You added.

He cringed and shook his head.  "No, I consider him old.  So, I guess we're still younglings."  He said, releasing you from his embrace so you could both go into your son's room.  You giggled at Patrick and proceeded to open their bedroom door. 

Your son was standing up excitingly in his crib, making grabby hands at Patrick.  "Daddy!"  He called out desperately.  Patrick obeyed him and quickly swooped him up.
"Happy Birthday, bud!"  Patrick told him.  The smile on your son's face continued to grow, which happened no matter when he was in his father's presence.  They really had a special bond. 

The day continued on with the rest of the guys coming over that afternoon for a small party.  All of the kids always got along great.  Especially your son with Saint, considering they were so close in age. 
It was always a joke that Ruby had a crush on your son.  They really were adorable together, always sharing everything and hugging each other at random times.

You sat with Marie and Meagan, watching the kids play with their dads in the backyard. 
"We really have some amazing guys, ladies."  Marie stated, you and Meagan both nodded in reply. 

(I can't believe Declan has turned two today.  I hope he has a great day today!  My birthday is actually in three days.  I like how we almost share a birthday. XD  That's pretty awesome.)

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