Chapter 7

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When I arrived at school I saw Rea and Elle waiting for me and 3 other guys with them. When I approached them I gave the girls a hug and waved my hand at the guys to which they happily returned the gesture.

“Hey um guys I’m going to head to class so I’ll see you at break time," I said heading to class because to be honest I was starting to feel really awkward, I’m like that in front of people, the perks of being a socially awkward person *note the sarcasm*.

Four periods…no, no let me rephrase that, four long and boring periods went by and now it was time for lunch thank God because I was starting to fall asleep.

Entering the lunch hall I saw my friends with the three guys from this morning. I went over to them and took a seat next to Elle who was on my right and on my left was one of the guys.

“So I feel like we haven’t introduced ourselves properly, I’m Matthew this is Dylan and the guy over there is Ethan,” the guy next to me said.

“Oh hey guys I’m Orabelle, it’s nice to meet you,” I said and offered them a smile they returned and I am so glad they did because that would have been very awkward.

Just halfway through lunch I heard a few snickers behind me so I turned around to find the same girl with fake everything who was standing with her followers behind her and they were all smirking at me, well this should be interesting.

“Uhm, can I help?” I asked genuinely confused and so were my friends because standing behind someone is not weird and is completely normal *once again note the sarcasm*.

“Well if it isn’t the daughter of the late Aron King, the youngest one in the King family or let me use the term I personally prefer for you, the black sheep of the family, ha I have been doing some research on you Orabelle, and I found out that you were disowned by your mother because you killed your fa-…” before she could finish that sentence I pushed her to the ground and made my way out of the lunch hall not bothering to look back, I mean how dare she assume such things about me when she doesn’t even know me, I have barely been at this school for a week and I have to do deal with this nonsense, geez she makes me sick and I do not even know her.

I made my way towards my English class because break was almost over. When the bell rand everyone started filling in and my friends came in and did not even glance my way, except for Matthew who had a sorry expression on his face, uhhh did I miss something because I am pretty sure that we were all fine just five minutes ago.

The day went by quickly with my friends trying to avoid me and I knew better than to force myself on people who did not want to be around me so I paid attention to no one until it was after school and so I made my way to my car (its mami’s car but she said I can use it for as long as I want, so now it’s basically my car) but anyways I stopped when I heard someone call my name, I turned around to see who it was.

“Matthew why are you calling me, aren’t you supposed to be with your friends,” I said emphasizing the last two words because after today I am not sure of what we are to each other and to be honest I really don’t care because I have already had a bad day and I also don’t know them that much so yeah.

“Orabelle they are your friends too you know, we are just upset at the fact that you didn’t tell us this,” he tried to Reason with me.

“Listen here Matthew I barely know any of you guys so excuse me for being cautious, I don’t need your pity party, I had my reasons for not telling you guys the truth but bare in mind that I also don’t owe you guys any explanation about my life!" I shouted at him.

“Are you serious, Belle we are your friends for goodness sake why can’t you just trust us!” he shouted back.
This dude is really serious about this.

“No, you know what I don’t blame you, I really don’t. For a smart guy, you are starting to show me otherwise,” I said at this point I was not angry or anything I was super annoyed. 

“So now you are going to insult me when I am the only one who came to help and reason with you,” he snapped.

“You really are dense huh, you think I will just all of a sudden trust you and share my deepest darkest secrets with you when I barely know you, argh no man just stop with your jokes bruv,” I said.

“Wow I expected you to at least warn us about this, look I did not come here to look for a fight, I came here to at least know that you are okay,” he said in a calm voice but I was far from calm at this point, my anger just rose to another level.

I laughed.

Oh no that is not a good sign, it never is, this means I am about to give it to this guy. I’m to blow off.

“Excuse me! Did you really just say that you came here to make sure I was okay after giving me some sort of stupid lecture about why your friends are ignoring me, listen let me tell something, I will not tell you anything that is happening or has happened in my life because I do not want to and you can tell that to YOUR FRIENDS for all I care because this point whether you guys decide to be my friends or not it is really up to you but let me tell you this, friends do
not force each other to share something that they are not comfortable sharing yet because you do not know what they went through or what they are going through!” at this point I  was gasping for air from all the shouting and talking.

“I’m sorry,” he said looking at his feet and I could hear a bit of sincerity in his voice but I ignored it.

“You should be,” I replied and with that I got into the car slamming the door and drove off.

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