Chapter 11

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Orabelle’s pov

We finally arrived at home and mami instructed me to go and rest since I will be going back to school next week. 
The rest of the week went by as normal.
Now my life can go back to normal, I really missed waking up in my own bed at home. 


Today I was going to school and I have to say I’m really excited about going. I did my morning routine, after showering I got dressed and put my hair in two puffs. 

(Okay so a bit of information about my family, we’re black. The end), anyways…

After breakfast I went to school and arriving there I thought my friends would be waiting for me at our spot but they were not there, not going to lie that hurt but I didn’t let it get to me.

I went to my first class without me seeing not even one of them. Break time came and I saw them sitting at our usual spot so I went up to them but what I saw made my heart drop to my butt passing right through my stomach.

“Hey Belle how are you today,” Elle asked smiling and I was confused and angry because a second ago they didn’t even acknowledge my presence.

“I’m good Giselle thank you for asking,” I said avoiding eye contact with each and every person at the table.

On the other side of the table Matthew was sitting with his new girlfriend (I do not even know how that happened but okay, we move)on. But I mean I wasn’t even gone for that long but at the same time even if he has a girlfriend him and I are just friends.)

“Arghhh,” I said exclaiming loudly by accident and everyone turned to look at me.
“You okay?” Ethan asked
“Yeah uhm I-,” before I could even finish my sentence they averted their eyes on the new girl who was telling a story apparently.

Every time I tried to converse or do something I would be interrupted and so I just decided to get up and leave. I made my way to the bathroom and bumped into the ‘queen bee’ of the school, she was about to say something but I shrugged her off not wanting to interact with her at the moment.

I sat in there until the bell rang, how sad, yeah I know.
The rest of the day went by pretty fast and I was back home watching TV when I saw my mom, brother and sisters living the life and moving on like I was never there and here I am thinking about them every night before falling asleep.

This is all becoming too much, I quickly went to my room and silently cried about everything asking why me, why do I have to be the one followed by some crazy stalker, why does everyone ignore me and why am I like this, I kept asking why me to whoever was listening though I was alone. I didn’t know why I was crying this much because I was already used to being ignored and being invisible.

This is all too much. I hate myself for being so weak and sensitive. Mami came in and sat next to me.

“My love you don’t need to say anything but just remember it’s okay to cry and feel vulnerable sometimes but also remember this you are a strong young woman who is beautiful inside and out, whatever you’re going through will pass okay, don’t let unnecessary situations bring you down baby, you hear,” she said wiping my tears. 

              *****NEXT MORNING*****

So I woke up the next morning and did my morning routine then went downstairs where I had my breakfast.

“Hey sunshine,” mami said placing a kiss on my cheek.
“Morning ma, how are you this fine morning?” I asked playing along with whatever along she was doing.
“I am very happy today because my grandbaby is happy. But she better go to school before she gets late,” she replied chuckling in between her words.
“WHAT A MOOD KILLER!” I shouted just to annoy.
“Excuse me young lady but I don’t tolerate such noise in this house,” she said with an amused expression on her face.

I quickly got ready for school and was on my way. When I got there I went straight to class and did not even bother to go to my so called friends because they have clearly replaced me with someone else.

The first classes went by pretty fast to be honest and now it was break time so I went to the field because I know a few people will be sitting there, I found a nice spot, sat down and ate my lunch.

The bell rang and I slowly made my way to the class and just to my luck I arrived late, oh how happy I was that I was probably going to get detention. When I got to class they were doing an unprepared reading so that basically means I disturbed Cassidy’s reading. I approached Mrs Blue’s desk dreading the oncoming exchange.

“Well Orabelle Kayra King,” … she was angry and the worst part is that I’m also not in the mood.

Well this should be interesting.

“Yes mam,” I said an innocent expression resting on my face.
“Could you please explain to me why you’re late for my class,” she said sounding annoyed. (Me and you both sis).
“Ma'am to be honest with you I really don’t know, maybe it was because I was walking slowly,” now I had a blank expression on my face which she clearly noticed because she thought I was giving her an attitude.

“Belle I’m not appreciating this attitude of yours,”
“Mkay,” I said because I didn’t want to argue with her.
“You know what, get out of my class,” she said much to everyone’s surprise especially my ‘friends’, oh they were shocked.

I left her class uttering one word “gladly” and made sure she heard me.

Okay I know I was wrong for that but I was also angry because I know I’m going to hear an earful from mami when I get home, so I’m sorry for being annoyed at what is to come.

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