Chapter 36

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I woke up the next morning feeling exhausted and when I looked in the mirror, I looked exactly how I felt and the bags under my eyes were very visible. I sighed looking at my reflection wondering how in the world did I end up in this situation.

While doing my morning routine I got a text from Kyle asking if we’re still on to which I simply replied with a yes and carried on with what I was doing.

Luckily Kyle had already sent me the location of where he wants us to meet up this morning so when I was done I drove straight to the location.

When I arrived it looked like he had been there for a while because he had a glass of water that was close to being finished.

“Hey, I hope you didn’t wait too long,” I greeted as he stood up and came in for a hug, I only gave him a side hug.
“Hi, oh no I was just thirsty so I downed the glass that was full of water, I arrived five minutes ago,” he replied looking a bit hurt by the side hug.

“So uhm, how have you been, heard you got back to work, how’s that going for you?” he said all in one breath.
“I’m good, work is great,” I simply reply and when I tell the tension between us was so thick, I mean exactly that.

“Haha, I guess we should address the elephant in the room,” he said laughing awkwardly.
“Yeah, this conversation that we’re about to have is long overdue,” I say fiddling with my fingers.

“Yeah, firstly I would like to apologize for the things that I said, it was never my intention to hurt you the way that I did, instead I should have defended you when mom said what she said, honestly speaking     I felt like you were trying to take the spotlight away from Jas and I know that it’s not true you were defending your kids and I, instead of defending you I just made things worse by saying those things that I didn’t mean and please believe me when I tell you that I am really sorry, for everything Belle,” he finished looking genuinely sorry  and maybe because it was the fact that I missed him but in that moment I believed every word he said to me.
“You really hurt me, Kyle I at least expected you to be by my side,” I tell him blinking away the tears.

“I know and I’m really sorry,” he replied to which I nodded because no words came out and the minute I nodded my head he got up and attacked me in a bear hug and I
melted in his arms, I got my brother back.

At least something in my life is going accordingly. After we hugged and wiped our tears, we sat down, ordered our food and ate. 

“Even though we seem to be on good terms I have to ask, are we invited to Mathew’s birthday dinner party?” he asked as we went out of the restaurant and my eyes widened a bit because I genuinely forgot about his birthday.

“Of course you are I mean you guys are still friends regardless of what happened and he is also your brother in law,” I said chuckling.

“Is mami invited and I know mom is not invited at all?” he said scratching the back of his neck.

“Uhm mami is invited because as much as she is my family, she is also Mathew’s and she really does mean a lot to him so I have to invite her, I will also invite Kira and Kiana because I mean I have nothing against them plus I don’t want them to feel like just because mom and I aren’t on good terms doesn’t mean we aren’t do you get it, so I will call and ask, it’s been a while since we talked though,” I said. 

We chatted some more and then I left but I didn’t go straight home I had to pass by Mathew’s parent’s house because I have to pick up my girls plus I need to talk to Mathew about this dinner.

I’m already dreading this.

So I get to the house, get out of the car, head to the door and ring the doorbell.
His dad answers.

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