Chapter 18

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Today was Friday which meant that Kyle was going back home. I woke up did my morning routine and went downstairs for breakfast.

Kyle was halfway through his so I had to hurry up or else we’d be late. I haven’t talked to him since our argument and it was really awkward between us. Finishing our breakfast we were on our way to school.

I couldn’t wait to get there because the awkwardness between him and I was getting quite uncomfortable.
We finally reached the school so I went to my locker to fetch my books for the morning.

“Hey, what’s up girl why do you look so sad?” Elle asked making a pouty face.
“Kyle is going back home today so…,” I dragged out
“Awww my poor baby, come here,” Rea was the one to reply pulling me into a bear hug.

We all embraced each other in a group hug then we went off to our first class of the day.

“Uhm guys where is Jas I haven’t seen her this morning?” I asked as we were making our way towards the class.

“Last time I saw her she was with Kyle, I think they are dating,” Elle shrugged to which I simply replied with an ‘oh’ and entered the class.

By the time lunch came we found ourselves sitting around the lunch table with nothing but awkward silence, the tension was so thick you could cut it with a knife, Kyle and I haven’t said a word to each other. Rea tried to start a conversation but no one was having it.

The day went by pretty fast and still my brother and I have yet to talk. We finally arrived at home and Kyle went to finish his packing while I went to my room to do my homework. No I’m just joking I wasn’t going to do my homework I literally just laid on my bed.

It was finally time for Kyle to leave.

“Hey, uhm can I talk to you before you go,” I said going into his room.
“Yeah sure what’s up,” he asked

“I wanted to apologize for the way I acted, it was unfair for me to say those thing to you, what I said was uncalled for it’s just that I miss home, I miss our family, I miss my sisters and I, I uhm I miss my mom,” I said as my voiced cracked each time I let out a word.

“And I’m sorry for being insensitive to your feelings Kay I Really am, I
understand where you are coming from and I completely underst-,” he said and I cut him off
“Please don’t, don’t say you understand because you are not the one who is forbidden from going back home, you are not the one who was abused and is on mom’s number one hate list,” I sobbed,

“I feel so pathetic missing the people that caused me so much pain, do you know how crazy that sounds, I was abused by my mom and sisters and I still love and miss them each and every day,” I continued and he immediately pulled me into a hug and I melted into my brothers arms because I know that he is the closest thing I have from mom.

We eventually said our goodbyes and he was on his way. Mami arrived 10 minutes after Kyle left.

“Kayra come here for a sec please my baby,” mami said from the living room and I went down to find her sitting on the couch so she patted the place next to her for me to sit.

“What do you need mami?” I asked her 
“Honey I know this situation with your mom is bothering you, I can see it,” she started, I didn’t know what to say so I just nodded my head.

“This may seem absurd but I want you to go and talk to her. I know that Kristen (my mom) and I don’t see eye to eye but I don’t want you to regret not being in contact with her in the future,” she said

“Mami I want to understand what you’re saying but I don’t can you please just simply tell me what you mean.” I replied.

“Basically what I’m saying is go and get some closure,” she said and I replied with an ‘oh’.
“Tomorrow morning you will go and talk to her okay,” she said
“Okay mami,”

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