Chapter 12

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When I got home I found mami in her prayer room reading the Bible so I went to my room.

Suddenly my bedroom door burst open to reveal an angry looking mami.

“Orabelle Kayra King how dare you disrespect a teacher because one thing that I know is that my son never raised disrespectful brats. How dare you talk to a teacher like that,” she said fuming with anger.

“But mami I was just answering a question that she asked and it would be rude if I didn’t,” I defended myself in a cool manner because if I was shouting then that would make her angrier.

“Listen to me young lady I didn’t ask for your side of the story and let me tell you that if you ever and I mean ever disrespect an elder, then don’t hesitate to see yourself out of my house and go back to your mother that doesn’t give two cents about you are we clear,” she furiously stated and I honestly couldn’t believe what she just said. I didn’t reply but she spoke again.

“Uh excuse me last time I checked you were clearly able to use your words or did they run out when you were back chatting a teacher,” she said and I muttered a small yes mami and with that she went out slamming the door behind her and leaving me to drown in my own silence.

I literally sat there on the edge of my bed and I burst into tears, I cried non-stop and even when I stopped sobbing the tears just flowed down my face. Why would she say something like that, why was she so angry.

After what felt like hours I was both emotionally and physically drained and I had no more tears to shed, I felt really hungry so I went to the kitchen to get some food only to find mami there reading a book. I quickly backed up only to trip on my own two feet and fell backwards.

Wow well that was clearly meant to happen I mean it’s not every day that I’m mad at mami and trip on my own two feet. I quickly got up the minute I saw mami coming towards me and I exited the kitchen going back to my room.

It was only when I closed my door did I realize that I was still hungry. I know that I was wrong for disrespecting a teacher but for mami to tell me to go back to my mom who doesn’t care about me was just hitting below the belt, it was just hurtful.

A few days passed without talking to mami and any of my friends so I was basically used to the loneliness at this point but what got me was that tomorrow is my birthday and I’m definitely not looking forward to it.

                 *****the next day*****

Today is my birthday, yay me. Mami burst through my bedroom door singing happy birthday to me at the top of her lungs.

After her little performance I engulfed her in a huge bear hug and cried uncontrollably, a few minutes passed and we broke apart and I could see that she was crying as well.

“Sweetheart I’m so sorry for what I said to you, it was uncalled for, I was angry and I didn’t mean any of it, I would never let you leave me again but please promise to control yourself and respect your teachers,” she said

“I promise mami and I’m sorry for giving you a hard time these past few days it’s just that I’ve been thinking about everything and this is going to be the first birthday without my dad and that hurts me, I can’t even go and see Kyle, I miss him so much,” I said

After my one on one talk with mami I did my morning routine and went to school. When I got there the bell hadn’t rang yet so I went to Mrs Blue’s class to apologize, she accepted my apology and with that I went to my first class and guess what, I was late again.

Arg how does this keep happening to me, I swear this school hates me.
“Belle I’m going to let you off the hook today just because I’m in a good mood, okay,” Mr Wilson said.
“Thank you sir,” I said and went to take my seat. During the lesson we were put into groups, we had to come up with an amazing piece of writing, it could be an essay, poem, song lyrics etc. So now Mr Wilson was calling out names.
“Okay so it’s going to be Orabelle, Matthew, Giselle, Andrea, Ethan, Dylan and Jasmine, okay now you can go into your groups and start brainstorming,” he said and I swear I could feel my eye just twitching.

I didn’t want my group so I did what I had to do, go and beg him. As I was making my way towards his desk Ginelle called me over, I shook my head no but she still insisted. There goes my luck. I really wasn’t in the mood to deal with them today. I went over and took a seat.

“Why did you call me over,” I said with a bored expression on my face.
“Well since we are partners maybe we should start preparing for our presentation don’t you think?” Andrea was the one to reply.
“Okayyyyyyyy so what are we doing,” I said and Dylan released a suspicious relieved type of sigh.

This is going to be one long assignment. They started to discuss what we’ll be doing and I just zoned out.
“Okay so what do you think Belle?” Ethan asked
“Uhm, yeah sure actually that would be great, let’s go with that,” I replied not knowing what in the world I was saying.
They all looked at me weirdly.

“Can you guys stop staring at me it’s getting really creepy,” I said and they composed themselves.

“Belle what we were saying earlier is what piece are you suggesting we do and we can tell by your answer that you weren’t listening,” Elle said and I did not deny so that’s that anyways we carried on with whatever they were discussing making sure that I don’t zone out this time but I kind of did in the last few minutes of the period with one thought in my mind.
I mean even if we have been friends for a short period of time they still forgot my birthday…

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