Chapter 8

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The drive back home was long considering the fact that I drove past mami's house three times thinking about how I handled the situation and that got me thinking...a lot, I really wanted to tell them how I ended up here but I felt too embarrassed...

After a few more minutes I decided to head home.

I am not being completely honest, what made me go home was the fact that the whole time I was driving past mami's house I felt as if I was being watched and to show that I'm not going completely crazy, a matte black car was following me, so if that doesn't scream creepy then I don't know what does.

That is also why I had to go back home otherwise I was fine with just drowning in my own problems and this creepy stalker had to ruin it.

When I got home mami was already there and I told her I wasn't in the mood to eat dinner and I went straight to my room before she could say anything. What happened today at school brought back memories I wanted to forget but I couldn't no matter how many times I try to, I just cannot forget the feeling of being left out, abused and everyone turning their backs on you, all those things hurt especially coming from your own family the pain and the embarrassment was too much to handle I had to get out of that place.

I curled myself on top of my bed with tears streaming down my face my throat burning for me to release a sob yet again but I resisted.

My mami came in and didn't even bother about knocking, she came to the side I was on and looked at me with disappointment in her eyes.

"Get up right now young lady before I get you up myself," she instructed and if didn't even think twice as I sat up immediately.

"Now tell me what is wrong with you today," she asked looking at me with concern in her eyes.

I told her everything leaving the part where I was being followed because I don't want her to stress over nothing and she told me to go to the toilet and have my one good cry and after that I should not cry over anything that is unnecessary in my life.

When I came out, I went downstairs to eat because she told me that I was not going to sleep on an empty stomach.

The next day I woke up feeling confident, I don't know why but I did, something is definitely wrong with me. When I got downstairs mami said she wanted to tell me something.

"Hey mami what did you want to tell me?" I asked

"Well honey I think you should apologize to that friend of your from yesterday, I know that they were also wrong and I'm not taking his side or anything but in this house we that is not how we behave and that is not how you talk to people okay, I hope we understand each other, now go to school before you get late".

Arriving at school I felt eyes on my back so I slightly turned my head and saw someone rushing past people as if they were running away but yet again I pay no attention to it, as I was making my way towards the school building I see Matthew leaning on his car tapping away on his phone. I swallowed my pride and went over to him.

Why am I suddenly so nervous about...?

"Hey, listen about yesterday I'm sorry, I know what I did was a bit uncalled for, you meant well but then you said all those things and I lost it, I shut you out and screamed at you, the truth about my past and family brings back memories I would love to forg-...uhm what I'm trying to say is that is that I'm sorry," I said but he didn't even acknowledge my presence so I let him be and made my way into the building, clearly someone is not in the mood to talk.

When I got to my first period which was maths I sat in front and just as I took a seat my friends, I mean Andrea, Ginelle, Ethan, Dylan and Matthew entered the class without even glancing my way but I didn't care. The rest of the day went by with them completely ignoring me

but suddenly...

Those days became weeks and those weeks became a month and something unexpected happened and I honestly thought it was the end.

I didn't go to school for a month but I have been up to date with my school work because mami has connections and I also wrote the assignments that were needed thanks to my tutors basically it was the same as going to school but I couldn't because I was sick.

It all started when I fainted at home and fell down the stairs, I fainted because of dehydration and my body started to overheat like I got really hot and sweaty.

The doctors said it was nothing, clearly the fall was not that hard according to them and I mean come on who am I to question a doctor but to be honest I know nothing about the things associated with being a doctor so what was I going to ask, that seems like a lot of work for me, no thanks.

I paid no attention to it till now, I started feeling an excruciating pain in my chest and my left ribs were hurting, I didn't know what was happening to me but it sure was very painful, as soon as I told mami how the pain kept getting worse she took me to the hospital and the doctors said I had broken my rib and it was disabling my heart from beating and that if I do not have surgery quickly the chances of me living are very slim.

Well as scary as that sounds one thing I know for sure is that the surgery can kiss me goodbye because I am not going to go through with it so now let's not be ignorant to the situation, we all know what will follow...

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