Chapter 25

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“Wha-what are you trying to say doctor, what do you mean by bad news?” I stuttered.

“Well we ran some tests and we saw that Stephania has Atrial Septal Defect which means that she has a whole in her heart but fortunately we caught it early and can operate as soon as possible and if all goes well the surgery will probably take two to three hours,” he explained.

“Please save my baby, promise me you’ll save her,” Matt said his voice breaking here and there. I have never seen him so broken like that.

“Mr Porter I will do everything I can to help Stephania,” he replied “S-so when uhm can we see her?” I asked.
“You will see her in a bit before her surgery, I will personally come and call you,” he assured me.

After ten minutes the doctor came to fetch Matt and I, we saw our baby and went back to the waiting area.

I went to Adelaide who now had taken Sapphira from Rea, I took her because I haven’t held her since we got here and I miss my baby.

As soon as I take her she snuggles closer to me and I think she can sense that I’m her mommy.

As we were sitting silently mom quickly excused herself to make a phone call. I’m starting to really get suspicious about these phone calls because she got 3 since we've been at the hospital but right now that is non of my concern.

While we waited for the doctor Matt fell asleep and the rest of us made some small talk, my mom and sisters talked with my friends (they were meeting for the first time and it was awkward except for Jas, she’s met them before). Everything was going fine up until Kira spoke.

“She’s going to be okay Belle,” she said
“Yeah I know,” I said
“I mean even if th-,” I cut her off
“Yeah okay can you just shut up, is that too much to ask for,” I snapped.
“Kayra she was just trying to comfort you,” my mom said
“I really didn’t ask her comfort now did I,” I answer trying not to get too emotional whilst rocking Sapphira who began to whimper softly.

“You know what I don’t even want to sit here anymore,” I said getting up and finding another spot to sit.
Now it was awkward all over again, I mean right now my excuse for being mean or whatever is because I’m stressed, my baby is in the flippin hospital.
Two and a half hours passed and the doctor came.

“The surgery was a success, she’ll take about six weeks to heal and I will be having you guys come in for post-ops otherwise apart from that you guys go and see her but I’m only allowing two at a time,” he finished.

Matt and I decided to go in, I was still holding a now sleeping Sapphira, we didn’t want anyone to go in because I wasn’t ready for her to be touch by a lot of people so they will get to see her when I’m ready for them to see her I mean her body has already been through a lot.

When we entered it was like I was in a nightmare, my baby had all these tubes connected to her. The minute Matt saw her he just couldn’t hold it any longer, he started sobbing.

“I I I uhm I want to pray, I I need t-to pray-y,” I said to no one in particular.
“Father in heaven I hu-h-humble myself b-b-efore you o-h Lord and I ask for your forgiveness for all my sins, cleanse my heart and remove the negativity from it. Father Lord I ask that you intervene in Stephania’s case my God, you said in your word that by your stripes we are healed, father I declare healing over my daughter’s life, restore oh God her life my father. I decree and declare that my daughter Stephania Lael Porter is healed in the mighty name of Jesus. Amen.

After my prayer I did feel relieved like the weight has been lifted off my shoulders. Matt and I silently sat there until he decided to speak up.

“You know I’m a light sleeper right, so I kind of heard what you said to your mom and sister,”
“Look I know I was harsh but can you not take their side for a minute,” I said rubbing my temples
“I’m not taking their side I just want to make sure if you’re okay,” he softly answered running his fingers through Stephania’s hair.
“I’m okay, I do feel bad though about how I talked to Kira,” I sighed looking at him.
“I think I should go and apologize,” I said after a while and he just nodded taking Stephania.

I quietly made my way over to where everyone was sitting and sat down on the chair that was available.

“Hey uhm Kira I would like to apologize for the way I spoke to you earlier, I’m just really stressed and I didn’t mean to take it out you,” I started.

“Oh and thank you guys for your support, you don’t have be here because I know how busy you are but you took the time off your schedules to be here, so thank you,” I said to my friends

“Kay, are you kidding me, that’s our niece in there and we would do anything for her, for the both of them,” Dylan said.

After 30 minutes of back and forth Matt and I finally convinced everyone to go home and get some rest because the hard part was over.

***********TWO WEEKS LATER***********

Stephania ended up spending two weeks at the hospital and it was a very hectic two weeks but everyone made it easier because of the support that they have shown and making sure to visit every day including Matt’s parents who couldn’t make it at first because they were stuck in a business meeting and when they finally sorted that out their flight back home got delayed but thankfully they made it.

Right now I was sorting out the girls’ laundry when my mom called, are you freakin serious. A part of me wanted to ignore it but I decided against it.

“Hello,” I answered 
“Hey Belle how are you?” she asked in a cheery voice, too cheery for my liking.
“Uhm, I’m good how are you, is everything okay?” I asked because why else would she call.
“Oh no no everything is great, I’m good, I just wanted to check up on you and how the girls are doing,” she said 

“Oh they are doing great, Stephania is recovering really well,” I said

“Oh that’s wonderful,” she replied.

Things between my mom and I are still tense because I feel like she is hiding something but I’m not sure what and that is what makes me uneasy.

I ended the call because the small talk was starting to get uncomfortable. After I finished with what I was doing the girls woke up from their nap so I quickly attended to them then went to help Adelaide prepare dinner.

Matt arrived from work then went to get a shower while I was sitting with the girls in the living.

“Hello my beautiful girls,” he said coming in giving kisses to the girls and taking a seat next to me.
“Hey baby, how was your day?” he asked kissing my forehead.
“It was not that exhausting, I just miss work you know, oh and my mom called,” I told him caressing his arm.

“What did she say?” he asked

“Well she asked about the girls and how we were doing but I honestly couldn’t stay on that call any longer because it was starting to get uncomfortable, I don’t know why but there is this feeling that I can’t shake off which doesn’t sit right with me,” I said

“Well I’m only going to say this, given your past experiences with her it’s good to be cautious until we can confirm that she is being genuine but what about your sisters do you get those feelings with them?”

“No actually and I also have not talked to them since the hospital incident and one thing I learned is that I’m not going to be forcing any unwanted relationships, sooooo,” I carried on

“You know what, let’s see how everything plays out with them but for now let us go and eat, I’m starving,” he said taking Sapphira while I took Stephania.

Author's note

(I don't know anything about any medical procedures nor am I an expert)

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