Chapter 23

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I entered the building and started to make my way to the private lift but not before getting a lot of stares. I just think some people still can’t believe that my husband is the CEO of Brown’s Architecture & Construction Company.

I got stares from literally everyone, I mean I do work here and my husband is like the boss now soooo..., plus I’m pregnant so yeah that’s why they are staring unless there are reasons why.

I got to the front desk of the top floor only to find Melissa, this outta be fun (note the sarcasm).

“Can you please just let me in,” I said already bored of where this conversation is going to go.
“Yeah I don’t think so, my boss or should I say my future husband, oh he's so dreamy anyways he doesn’t allow any visitors at this hour,” she replied and I snorted.

I realized that this argument was going nowhere so I just left and was about to knock on Matthew’s door but Julianna stopped me.

“Argggh what now,” I asked annoyed.

“Well you can’t go because my boss aka my future husband does not meet without appointments,” she said smirking

Boy were they dumb, they practically have eyes on the same guy whose is married, I just laughed internally.

I decided to ignore her and barge into the office and found him sitting behind his desk. Few seconds later Melissa and Julianna come barging in apologizing to him for letting me in.

I did not know what to do or say so I just stood there looking at him because after our fight this was the first time seeing him and I honestly didn’t know what to expect.
Matthew made his way towards me and pecked me on my lips, “hey baby,” he said softly 

“Hey look I just came here to give you your lunch,” I said looking away from him.

“Baby look at me, I’m sorry okay,” he said, then looked at the two women behind me and told them to leave.

“Look what I said was wrong and I should not have said that and I’m really sorry, I was out of line, you are going to be the best mother to our girls okay,” he apologized.

“That’s okay and I know I was also out of line but mami made me realize that I’m scared to be a bad mother and not to be close with my daughters so that is why I didn’t want to entertain the idea of having a nanny,” I replied 

“That’s okay baby, let’s just move on from this,” he said as he embraced me

“Okay but I still don’t want a nanny,” I said as I nuzzled my face in his neck 

“I missed you,” he whispered 
“I missed you too,” I replied

After a while he decided to walk me out and when we reached Melissa’s desk we stopped to find her and Juliana looking at us, well mostly glaring at me.

“I forgot to introduce myself properly ladies,” I said to them while smirking

“We already know who you are,” Juliana sneered

“Useless piece of trash,” Melissa whispered but we heard her

“Excuse me Miss Davis I will not allow you to address my wife that way or there will be consequences,” Matthew said in a firm tone

“You didn’t let me finish sweetheart I’m Orabelle Kayra King Porter but Mrs Porter to you, oh and did I mention that I also work here,” I said now smiling.

Their jaws just dropped and their eyes looked like they could pop out any minute.

“You better get back to work before I fire you,” Matthew shouted 

“Babe just calm down,” I said putting my hand on his chest
He led me to the car, we kissed goodbye and I was on my way.

************TIME SKIP************

We are now in the ninth month and we are anxiously awaiting the arrival of the twins.

Right now I’m in the kitchen with Adelaide and Matt talking about some random stuff.

“Matt can you grab a bottle of water for me please?” I asked as he made his way to the fridge.
I suddenly felt something running down my leg and I panicked. Moments later I felt a sharp pain shooting up my lower abdomen and screamed at the top of my lungs (okay that scream might have been mixed with me being afraid of pain but I don't know).

“Babe what’s wrong?” Matt asked

“Don’t ask what’s wrong just take me to the hospital please, I think I’m in labour,” I said rather calmly as the tears welled up in my eyes.

Matthew instructed Adelaide to go and get the babies’ bags while he led me to the car. After getting everything in the car we made our way to the hospital.

By the time I got to the room I’d be delivering in, the doctor said I was 4 centimetres away.

Right now I’m laying on my side while Matt held my hand, I tried eating ice chips but I couldn’t, I really can’t eat when I’m in pain.

“Mmmmmmmhh, whoooooooooooo,” I was bReathing heavily right now, I was in so much pain and just then mami, Dylan and Elle arrived.

“Hey sweetheart”

“Best friend”

“Baby mama”

They all said at the same time.

“Uh-uh nooooo, please just keep quiet,” I said wearily as I felt another contraction.

“Oh baby you’re going to be okay,” mami whispered as she rubbed my feet.

I continued to feel the contractions as the rest of the crew arrived and it’s a good thing they came in quietly.

We made small talk until the doctor came, checked me and then announced that I was ready.

By the time I was done, the girls were taken away to get checked and all that stuff. I was very tired and my eyelids felt very heavy.

About an hour later the nurses come back with my beautiful babies. I was so excited to see and hold them despite how tired I was.

The nurses came to my side and gave the girls to Matt and I.

“Oh my goodness they are so beautiful,” I gushed

“My grand babies,” mami whispered 

“What are you going to name them baba?” Rea asked as the rest of the group gushed at the girls 
“Stephania Lael Porter and Sapphira Nalani Porter born on the 18th of August,” Matt and I say proudly.

Everyone loved the names and just then Matthew’s parents came in.

“Oh hello everyone, my oh my are those my grandbabies,” Mrs Noelle Porter gushed making her way towards me.

They apologized for not making it and I really didn’t mind because they were here now.

This was one of the best days of my life. I was very happy and at that moment I felt complete and seeing everyone so happy made me happy, cheesy, yeah I know.

Thank you Lord for the wonderful blessing that you gave me.

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