Chapter 48

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"Mommy! Mommmm! Mama," Stephania called out

"I'm in my room baby!" I reply.

I was in my room with Areli and Athaliah and they were telling me about their school, friends and teachers.

"I found this small treasure chest like box in the basement when I was looking for an empty one for my prayer box," she said and my heart stopped for a minute.

"Mom are you okay, you look like you've seen a ghost," Sapphira said coming in

"I'm fine sweetheart, I-, it-, I have not opened this box in five years," I said my voice cracking up a bit.

I took the box from her and opened it using the key that was in my bedside cabinet.

There were letters, a lot of them.

Letters that I wrote to my baby girl, Adaiah.

"Is it okay if I read one?" Sapphira asked, my voice gave out on me so I just nodded and gave her the last one that I wrote.

Five years ago.

"Dear Adaiah Imani Porter

My sweet baby girl, you would have turned 15 this year, that is a big age you know but to me, you'll always be my baby girl. Even though you were born sleeping those first few minutes when I held you for the first time I was in awe of how peaceful you looked, you were perfect. Your father and I will never forget you my angel, we tell your siblings about you all the time. We never got to see your eyes but I just know deep down that they were beautiful. Oh baby girl. I miss you my love, there is not a day where I don't think about you.

My Daiah,

Make sure to give kisses and hugs to Mami and Adelaide for mommy okay and tell them we miss them too. I just know you guys are having a blast up there.

Mommy," she finished her voice cracking a bit.

When she was done I was a mess. I tried stopping the tears so they couldn't see me crying but I failed.

"I love you mommy,"
"I love you mama,"
"I love you mama,"
"I love you mom,"

"And mommy loves all of you my babies, now give mama some kisses," I say smiling at my kids and wiping my tears as they all attacked me with hugs and kisses.

I swear I love my kids more than life itself.

"Heyyyy, what about me?" Matt who was now leaning against the doorframe asked

"We love you too dad," they said in union

"Uhhmmmm," he dragged

"Around the world three times and back," they said in union again

"There we go but next time avoid saying things in union because you guys know how much that creeps me out especially because all four of you guys are two sets of twins," he said coming over to where I was and giving me a kiss.

"I love you baby," he said softly

"I love you too baby," I reply softly

Sniff Sniff Sniff

"Honey are you okay?" I asked Sapphira
who was wiping her tears but they just kept on coming.

"It was just a kiss princess, people kiss their wives sometimes," Matt said and I just threw a pillow at him

"Shut up Mathew," I say chuckling quietly

"I miss mami and Adelaide," she said, a small frown resting on her lips

"It's okay to miss them baby and it's okay to cry. I miss them too but hey at least now they are in a better place, away from the pain and they are very happy there, okay baba," I say softly, by now everyone was cuddled up in bed and we could barely fit because now our kids are big and tall teenagers.

Adelaide passed away when Areli and Athaliah were 7 years old due to a massive stroke and mami passed away 3 years later when they were 10 which was 5 years ago.

"Awwh, honey do you miss them too?" I asked Athaliah gently wiping away her tears

"Yeah but I am crying because you and Sapph are crying and you know I always cry when I see people crying," she said and Matt chuckled

"You're weird," Stephania and Areli said at the same time.

"Hey, you two, be nice," I say to them

"Stop it you guys that's creepy," Matt said freaked out as we laughed at him, he hates it when they do that and his reactions are the funniest thing ever.

"Can we watch a movie?" Stephania asked

"Sure, why don't you guys get started on our snacks, mommy and I will be down to help you in a second then we can watch it in the living room because all of you are messy eaters," he said

"All grownups do is talk and talk and talk," Areli mumbled

"Hey I heard that," I call out to him

"You were supposed to mama," he replied peaking his head through the door, he was the last one to exit

"Areli!" I said sternly

"I'm sorry mommy I was just joking," he said running to give me a hug and exiting again.

"You know he gets his naughty behaviour from you right," I said to Matt once we were alone

"Yeah I beg to differ," he laughed

"What did you want to talk about to me about?" I asked facing him

"About how blessed we are. Over the years we have had our fair share of pain. Our family has been through so much from stalkers to accidents to loss and even our marriage was tested but we still made it through and I thank God every day for it because it was by His grace that we made it through. You Orabelle are one of the strongest women I know, an amazing mother to our kids and an amazing wife, I couldn't imagine my life without you, I love you so much," he finishes caressing my cheek softly looking straight into my eyes

"I love you too my amazing husband, you're an absolutely amazing father to our children," I reply softly

"Around the world three times and back?" he says
"Around the world three times and back," I say placing a kiss on his lips

"I swear everytime I look at you my stomach does backflips," he says a small smirk resting on his lips

"Nope stop, let's go to the kitchen before we announce another baby in the next nine months," I say and he bursts out laughing.

He helps me put the letters back in the box and I put it on my dresser.

By the time we got downstairs the kids had the snacks ready, they even did a great setup with the pillows and blankets, wow did we really take that long, hey as long as I didn't do the heavy lifting, I'm good.

We all sat in our places and started the movie.

The end.

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