Chapter 22

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Six months have passed and my stomach looks like it is about to burst. We found out that we are going to have a baby girl but not just one baby, two babies, yay, instead of getting excited like everyone else I’m even more nervous than I was before.

Rea, Elle, Jas and I are at the mall getting clothes for the twins, my toiletries and some other stuff that I need.

“Oh my gosh Belle you should totally get this for the girls it’s so cute,” Elle said squealing.

“Girl you definitely should because if you don’t we aren’t going home till we get it,” now it was Rea’s turn to speak.

“Okay, okay fine I’m getting it no need to bite my head off geez,” I replied teasing them.

Right now we were at the food court because I was starving so I had to feed myself and my two babies. I just smile every time I think about them, before the food even arrived I excused myself and went to the toilet.

I finished doing my business, washed my hands but when I was about to go out two oddly familiar girls came in.

“Oh, OMG Orabelle is that you?” Melissa asked looking surprised, she and Juliana used to be my friends, and well I thought they were until I learned that they were also talking nonsense about me behind my back.

“Wow you have not changed a bit except for the fact that you have a huge stomach meaning you’re pregnant and probably don’t know who the father is,” now it was Juliana’s turn to speak

“Well ladies, me having a huge tummy is because I’m pregnant as you said and whether or not I know or don’t know who the father is, is non-of your concern,” I stated starting to feel annoyed by these two

“Argh whatever well anyways since we can clearly see that you are still a useless human we can actually brag and make you feel even more bad about your pathetic little life,” Juliana said laughing

“Okay,” I replied with disinterest

“Well we have one of the most amazing jobs you could ever ask for and we earn a lot of money,” Melissa intervened 

“Uh-huh,” I replied yet again disinterested by this whole conversation.

“We just started working as a secretary and a personal assistant at the Brown’s Architecture & Construction Company, it’s a family business and we heard that the old boss retired and gave it to some hot bachelor,” they bragged and I almost choked on my own saliva because that is where Matt and I work, they probably haven't seem me because I'm currently working with a different team and they haven't seen him because, well they just started working there and Matt is on site most of the time recently.

I honestly felt sorry for them.

“Well we can see that you’re clearly surprised and don’t worry you will get there some day but for now you couldn’t even get the job of the person who literally only gets water for everyone, but as I said, you couldn’t get that job even if you wanted to,” Melissa laughed, I don’t think they know that I work in that same company.

Without a word I left the bathroom and went back to the food court with a huge grin on my face. At first the girls were confused as to why I was smiling so I explained everything to them and we all just burst out laughing.

We finished our food and went back to the car but on our way I saw a familiar figure rushing past me but I decided to ignore it.

By the time I got home my feet were hurting so I decided to go and take a nap.

“Baba, wake up,” a soft voice said while shaking my body gently. I slightly opened my eyes to find a smiling Adelaide.
“What can I help you with ma?” I asked sitting up
“Come and eat something baby because you haven’t eaten since you came back,” she stated softly and I agreed following her out of the bedroom and taking my laptop with.

Matt arrived when I had just finished eating so ma decided to also prepare something for him to eat. He went upstairs to go and freshen up but not before greeting me and Adelaide.

A few minutes later he came downstairs.

“How are you feeling today baby?” he asked caressing my tummy.
“Well besides my feet aching I’m good,” I said going through my emails from work and yes I am still working even though I’m not going to the office.

“Kay why are you working and straining yourself with stressful work,” he asked seriously pinching the bridge of his nose, he always does that when he is stressed or annoyed.

“Well what do you expect me to do because I’m bored out of my mind plus the advantage of my job is that I can work even if I'm at home so that I don't get bored, see it's a win win situation,” I said focusing on the screen.

“But Orabelle you are not supposed to be doing any sort of work,” he said slightly raising his voice 

“Bruv it’s not like I’m at the office and plus I was just checking my emails too and don’t you dare raise your voice at me, don’t you dare,” I shouted.

“Why do you always have to be so difficult, I mean can I even trust that you will be able to look after the girls after their born or you’ll be too busy working, you know we just have to hire a nanny because the at least she’ll be able to take care of the girls,” he stated furiously  Adelaide left the kitchen to give us some space.

“Oh like you won’t be too busy for them too, don’t put this all on me, I am not being difficult Matthew I was just answering some frickin emails I mean what’s the big deal,” I shouted, “oh and secondly I will not be hiring someone else to take care of my babies, not while I’m still breathing,” I said in a calm but warning tone.

So to avoid further discussions with this idiot in front of me, I stood up from my seat and went upstairs.

When I got to our room I put some blankets outside our room. After a few minutes I heard him sigh and I knew he would take the hint and go to the guest room and with that I finally fell asleep.

The next morning I woke up and did my morning routing and went downstairs. I found Adelaide making breakfast so I took my seat and she handed me my plate.

“Good morning ma, did Matt come down yet?” I asked 
“Good morning sweetheart and yes he has already left, he was pretty upset to the point where he left his lunch,” she replied.

Even though we are fighting right now I’ll never let him starve him to death. After breakfast I decided to go to his office and give him his lunch but not before stopping by mami’s house. I miss her very much so I went to go and see her.

**********at mami’s house**********

“Hellooooooo, is anybody home?” I shouted entering the house

“Hey hey hey stop shouting please,” mami begged and I just laughed and went over to hug her.

We entered the living room and started catching up before mami brought up Matt. I ended up telling her what happened.

“But honey there is nothing wrong with hiring a nanny for the girls,” she said

“Mami I have nothing against hiring a nanny but I don’t want to, I just don’t okay, I won’t let my kids be under the care of anybody else and I’m going to be the best mother to my girls,” I stated angrily trying to fight back the tears that were threatening to spill out of my eyes.

“Honey, I think this is way deeper than some nanny matter,” mami said after I had calmed down

“Baby girl I think you are scared. Scared because you think that you’ll end up being like your mother and a nanny just adds to that, making someone take care of them, you want to be closer to them, you want that relationship that became non existent with your mother over the years but honey nanny or not you will be a great mother and you will have a close and healthy relationship with the girls,” she continued.

“I hear you mami but I still don’t want a nanny,” I said getting up from the couch.

“That’s okay baba, you don’t have to get a nanny if you don’t want to, I’m always here to help okay,” she replied 

We hugged and I was on my way to see Matthew.

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