Chapter 30

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Mondays are the worst honestly.

I woke up did my morning routine, tended to the girls and went down to make breakfast.

“Good morning everyone,” Adelaide greeted as she came into the kitchen.
“Good morning ma, you’re here early today,” 
“Well sweetheart that is because I love, love, love Mondays,” she says smiling.

“Oh my gosh no, no, no, nope,” I laughed

“Ma you do know that it’s been a long time since you went on a vacation and took a break, I think it’s time,” I added.

“Time for what, good morning baby, good morning ma,” Mathew said coming in with the girls in his arms.

“I’m talking to ma about taking some time off and going on a vacation,” I told him
“Oh yeah, ma you need a brea-,” she cut of Mathew

“Oh will you two just hush, I barely work here the only thing I do is to take care of the girls, I mean you guys help me clean, sometimes you even cook and I just sit lazing around and when you get back from work you care for the girls and whenever there’s an event or you go out, you guys take me with, it’s like I am at home here so no the only vacation that I will be taking will be if you guys and the girls come with me, okay,” she sassed

“OH. MY. GOSH, ma when did you get so sassy,” I laughed as well as Mathew.
“Just eat your food,” she snickered and we all sat down and ate breakfast.


We arrived at work and I decided to go and make myself some coffee first.

“You know working with her has been very weird, it’s like I am just waiting for the other shoe to drop, she is being so kind and professional, I mean we did treat her like trash and here she is being professional about it,” Juliana said their backs were facing me and I just stood there because I wanted to see where this was going, also I am very nosy so that also countered as a fact but I really don’t care.

“Really, I expected her to be really mean anyways what is with you do you like her now,” Melissa said and I just rolled my eyes

“No it’s not that I mean we used to be best friends so…,” she trailed off but I cut in before either of them could say anything else.

“Ladies this is a working environment not some gossip segment on a TV talk show,” I stated bluntly much to their surprise.

“Oh I-, I’m sor-,” 

“Don’t apologize just get back to work,”

Work went by as normal and honestly I could not stress over this Sam issue, it was my lunch break and I went over to Mathew’s office.

“Melissa is Mathew in a meeting or is he free right now?” I asked as I approached her desk to which she tensed for a bit.

“No you can go in. Uhm Orabelle I am really sorry about what I said this morning,” she said
“What are you sorry for, you clearly meant it and you wouldn’t apologize if I had not caught you,” I replied making my way into the office.

“Oh and it’s Mrs Porter to you,” I said without a smile on my face and entering the office.

“Are you okay, what was that about?” Mathew asked tapping away on his phone.
“Nothing you should worry yourself about,” I replied
“Okay then, what’s up,” he said finally looking up

“Well I can barely focus on work because all I can think about is this Sam situation,” I said massaging my temples

“Well I don’t know whether to call this great timing or what but I’ve been talking to a friend of my who is a private investigator and is willing to help,” he said

“Really, a friend,” I deadpanned
“Yes a friend, what can’t I have any friends other than the ones we have,” he said looking ‘hurt’

“Everyone is your friend, for instance when we needed help with the plumbing at home you said ‘your friend’ could help us, the guy literally met you that same day, YOU DIDN’T EVEN KNOW HIM,” I said laughing at him

“That was different from now,” he said
“Really? If so then how come I have never met or heard of him?” I asked curious as to what the answer will be to this one.

“We- uhm w-well, you see the thing is I don’t really like to talk about him and he is a very private person, hence the career ‘private investigator’,” he said

“Matt who are you fooling because I can clearly see that he is not your friend,” I said laughing at him

“Fine I don’t know the guy but I did do some background checking and he seems legit, so I have arranged a meeting for the three of us, how does that sound?” he finished 

“I think that sounds about good. So when are we meeting him?” I asked 

“We will be meeting him today at the diner down the road because I don’t want to call him over at our house,” he said

“That is probably for the best,” I replied.
We both ate lunch together in his office and then it was time for me to get back to work again.

Ten minutes into work my phone starts to ring and I pick it up without checking the caller.
“Hello?” I answer
“Hey Belle how are you doing?” the person who I’ve come to realise is Jas.
“Oh hey Jas I’m good girl how are you?” I ask

“I’m great just moody from the hormones, look how would you like to come over with the girls this weekend, I could use another mommy to relate to,” she said and I stiffened because that will mean I will have to see my brother whom I have yet to talk to, no thanks plus I’m busy with the whole stalker thing and my babies need some quality time with their mom.

“I can’t Jas I’m so sorry, maybe next time okay?” I say hoping she would understand.
“Aww why we have not hung out in a while,” she said sounding a bit upset, poor her.

“I, you see I promised Matt that we were going to take the girls out, I’m really sorry Jas,” I said feeling extremely bad for blowing her off but I have a lot on my plate right now.

We chatted for a bit and I finally hung up letting out a frustrated sigh.

“Are you okay?” Juliana asked coming in, I looked up at her and she really seemed genuine but I have come to know that my judgement when it comes to people is very poor.

“I’m fine, what do you need?” I say leaning back on my chair.

“Oh you need to go over these plans before you go home today so that I can send them up to Lucy,” she replied.

The day came to an end meaning it was now time to meet with the private investigator. To say I am nervous would be an understatement, my heart is literally beating at the tip of my toes right now.

Mathew and I drove to the diner to find the guy waiting for us, and I already know him because Mathew showed me his picture. We sat down and talked for a while then finally landed on why we are here.

We discussed how this whole thing is going to work and where to meet and stuff like that, he told us that he will be starting immediately. The guy’s name is Brad by the way.

Anyways we went home after and everything went as normal possible.

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