Chapter 24

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A week has passed and I was back home. Right now I was sitting with Adelaide and Mami in the living room, the girls were in their bassinets looking cute.

So while telling mami about how the girls kept Matt and I all night the doorbell rang and Adelaide went to attend to whoever was at the door.

“You can come right this way,” we heard Adelaide instruct whoever.

The moment I saw who it was or rather who they were my whole body went cold, I felt my heart stop and I almost choked on my own saliva.

It was my mom and sisters, they were at my house, how did they find me, like how did they know where I live.

I wasn’t ready for whatever they were about to say to me.

“You may have a seat,” Mami said pointing to the couch, MY COUCH, where I sit and have long conversation with my family. I just looked at her bewildered but she just shrugged me off. Yeah I was fuming.

“Would you like anything to drink?” Adelaide asked them.

“No they are just fine, wha-,what’s happening right now,” I said yet again not believing this.

Mom just shook her head but mami turned to Adelaide and said, “Adelaide can you please just bring water for now” I was about to speak but mami beat me to it.

“Honey can I talk to you for a minute,” she said while ushering me out of the living room taking the babies with us.
“Kayra baby please be willing to forgive, I know you can’t forget but just please forgive them for the sake of the twins and for peace to reign,” mami said immediately after entering the guest room.

“Mami how could you say that after all they have done to me, I mean how could you simply take their side knowing full well that that you two don’t get along, I’m sorry but no,” I replied surprised by Mami’s request.

“I know your mom and I never saw eye to eye but that doesn’t mean that I hate her because I don’t and I know that my son would want to see his daughter mending her relationship with her mother, I know it will be hard and it will take time for you two to be close but please try,” she said 
I thought about what mami said for a minute and I decided to just forgive and put the past behind me…, no I’m just joking I just want to see where all this is going, I mean I did see my stalker at her house so...

“Fine mami,” I sigh.

She led me back to the living room where my mom and sisters were drinking water, I guess they ended up accepting the water. I went to my seat with Stephania in my arms and Sapphira in mami’s.

“What are you doing here?” I asked, that came out harsher than I intended and I think I saw them flinch a little, great.

“Orabelle your sisters and I came here to apologize for everything that we have done to you, I mean our behaviour towards you was just unacceptable and I’m sure your farther isn’t proud of our actions at all. When you came back home that day to reconcile with me I just wanted to hug the life out of you but then when I looked at you I saw your father, you look just like him and I was always jealous of the bond that you two shared, I wanted that with you, I got that from your sisters and brother but your case was different. I’m very sorry and don’t blame your sisters because I was the one that polluted their minds with all that nonsense,” she said all in one breath.

My sisters were also apologizing saying that they were also at fault to which they were. They also apologized to mami and she gladly accepted, argh poor her. My sisters looked genuine but my mom however, though she looked sincere and genuine there was this feeling that I couldn’t shake off, it was like she was pretending.

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