Chapter 28

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I woke up early the next morning, Mathew was still asleep so I did my morning routine went to check on the girls who were now awake so I bathed them and just dressed them in their warm fluffy onesie rompers since it was a bit chilly, I quickly fed them and then took them down with me to the kitchen to make some breakfast for Adelaide, Mathew and I.

Adelaide has not arrived yet so when she does her breakfast will be ready for her.
When I was about to go and wake up Matt he came down.

“Good morning baby and good morning to my beautiful babies,” he said making way over to the girls.
“Good morning, your breakfast is ready,” I said sitting down
“Thank you,” he said as he came over to peck my lips but I already had food in my mouth so I just leaned so he could kiss my cheek.

“I don’t even care if you have food, come here,” he said holding my chin and kissing my lips and I just softly laughed.

He went to take a seat and we ate our breakfast silently.

“Are you ready to talk about yesterday,” he said after a while.
“Yeah,” I sighed.
“What are we going to do about your mom? Are your sisters in this too?” he asked and I could see that this topic made him angry.

“No I don’t think my sisters are aware of who Sam really is because when I asked them about him they told me so casually like they weren’t hiding anything hence I think they are innocent and as for my mom I want to keep her at a distance,” I finished

“But just in case let’s wait before telling anyone about this including your sisters. I’m thinking you invite your sisters over for lunch and maybe find out more about this Sam guy so we get have enough information to find him,” he suggested.

“Wait, that’s actually a great idea,” 
“So we have a plan?”
“Yes we do,”
“Baby I’m really very sorry for what I did,” he said
“That’s okay my love, I was just hurt that you didn’t stand by me,” I said.

Just then Adelaide came in and I told her to join us to which she gladly did and we chatted about random things.
Since today was Sunday and we didn’t go to church, I am planning on inviting Rea, Ethan, Dylan and Elle over for lunch and no I’m not ready to see my brother just yet, I wanted to invite Jas because she didn’t do anything but I don’t want to put her in a position where she has to choose between the both of us.

“Kay I’m going to moms place do you want me to get anything from the store on my way back?” Matt asked putting our dishes in the sink.

“Wait I also want to go, it’s been a while since we spent time with your parents and I’m sure they would want to see the girls,” I said
“You’re right, okay go get dressed so we can go,” he said

“Okay but I wanted to invite the gang over for lunch but I guess we’ll have to make it dinner then,” I said getting up leaving the girls with him and Adelaide.

“Are you going to invite your brother?” he called out

“No!” I replied back.

After I got ready we put the girls in their car seats and were on our way, I also managed to text the group about today’s dinner and they all replied with an okay so we’ll set.

“We’re here,” Matt said turning my focus away from my phone.
We entered the house and heard voices coming from the living room.

“I bought company,” Matt said entering the room
“Morning mom, morning dad,” I said giving each of them a hug. The girls were in their car seats and Matt was holding the both of them. By the way I do call Matt’s parents mom and dad because they insisted I do that as I was family.

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