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☆ 3. Chapter 3font record

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Chapter 3:

Cooking is not a difficult task for Fei Yu. What is difficult is that it is difficult for a skilled man to make a meal without rice.

Yes, Fei Yu just said the three words "Let's cook" lightly, and the next second he was severely slapped in the face by reality -

rice can be cooked, but how can it be cooked without ingredients?

Fei Yu doesn't have the ability to turn stone into rice, nor does he have the ability to create food out of thin air.

As for searching in the space? It's a pity that they were all destroyed during the space upgrade.

In addition to collecting and planting various spiritual plants, making all kinds of delicious food is another major hobby of Fei Yu.

In his previous life, due to lack of food and drink in the last days, Fei Yu could only use precious space treasures to hoard food and grow vegetables and crops. There were not many places allocated to spiritual plants. Later, at the end of the apocalypse, when food shortage was no longer a problem that plagued mankind, Feiyu transplanted all the vegetables and other things grown in his space to the vast soil outside, which accompanied him almost throughout the entire life. The space in the apocalypse is basically used for planting spiritual plants.

In Fei Yu's space, eighty percent of the spiritual plants were collected, but this did not include those that were spreading everywhere. Fei Yu doesn't have room for spiritual plants that can be bought without much effort or can be found by others. After all, the area that can be planted is limited.

His space is full of spiritual plants that are not easy to deal with.

These spiritual plants can be roughly divided into two categories: edible and inedible, with the number of edible spiritual plants being greater. Among edible spiritual plants, medicinal plants are the most numerous because of their various functions.

Feiyu was not a person with mental powers in his previous life, could not make potions, and had no interest in potions. On the contrary, because he likes to make delicious food, he is also a wood-type psychic, and has a high affinity for plants. If he cannot learn potions, he will use medicinal plants and ingredients to make delicious food. His power level in his previous life was not low, and the medicinal plants in the space could be eaten after being processed. After traveling back to before liberation, he became a "waste beast", and the medicinal plants in the space basically became ornamental objects that could be viewed from a distance but not eaten.

At least Fei Yu wouldn't dare touch it until his strength increased.

The baby dragon snake whose lanugo hair has not yet faded is obviously not good either.

For the remaining former clan leader, the medicinal plants that can treat his injuries are all of high level. Will those with higher levels be easily tamed? As for the clan leader's animal body, which looks so powerful and intimidating but is actually extremely weak, it will probably explode faster before the medicine is fully absorbed.

The food, drink, and daily necessities that he had saved when he came here were now destroyed into dregs. After removing the medicinal plants, there was only one kind of spiritual plant that could be eaten in the end.

——Cola tree.

It was a very tall fruit tree, with a thick brown trunk as thick as three adults. The leaves are like pine needles, very long and sharp. The resulting fruit is about the size of a basketball, with a bright green outer skin, a little soft, and full of black juice inside. Because the juice tastes the same as cola, and in memory of the cola that may never be drunk again in the apocalypse, it was named the cola tree.

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