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☆ 27. Chapter 26

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Chapter 26

After renting the house, the male orc couldn't wait to call the next one. Fei Yu originally wanted to ask about the situation of the house, but he could only smile when he saw it, turned around and walked out of the housing management office.

"Let's go take a look at the house first." Fei Yu said to Shu Mu and the others who followed him out.

Because he didn't understand the specific situation of the stone house and had no idea what was missing inside, when Fei Yu drove the wooden cart to the stone house, he lost interest in observing the shops along the way and only focused on rushing.

Passing through the central street with the densest traffic of orcs, the further you walk towards the end of the street, the fewer and fewer people there gradually become.

Fei Yu controlled the wooden cart to slow down, and finally stopped in front of the stone house he rented.

There is a unique figure painted on the door of each stone house, which cannot be erased, either a few lines, or an abstract word and figure.

Fei Yu took out the key given by the male orc - a cone made of bone - and gently inserted it into the hole in the door. The cone was automatically sucked in, leaving only one end of the ring outside, which can be pressed with your fingers. Easily hook it back up.

Fei Yu took out the key and opened the door. He made an appointment with Shu Mu and others who were looking for their own houses to meet later, and started to visit his new house with a slight excitement.

Each floor of the stone house is more than 100 square meters, and each floor is divided into two rooms. A firepit is set up in the center of the ground in each room. The floor was slate, there was no bed, and it was covered with animal skin mats that were almost as long and wide as a double bed. The animal skins come from different beasts. First, three large pieces of exactly the same size are spliced ​​together, and then the three large animal skins are stacked together and fixed at the four corners.

In addition, there is a one meter square wooden table with a stone basin, two stone cups and a large stone jar placed on the table.

After Feiyu walked around, he found that this house only provided accommodation and water, and he didn't know where to get the water yet.

It must be that the large stone tank used for water storage is so dry that it has a thin layer of ash.

Feiyu took stock of the inventory in his space, and then reluctantly came to the conclusion that apart from a complete set of incredible cooking tools, he lacked everything he needed.

Animal skin mats can be used, but Feiyu is not used to sleeping on the floor, so a bed must be made.

The small wooden table that comes with the stone house can be placed in the room on the third floor that Fei Yu plans to use as a bedroom. The lower two floors are too small and need to be redone, as well as chairs and benches.

There should be a cabinet in the bedroom where you can put clothes or anything else.

These are bits and pieces, the most important thing is the kitchen.

If you don't have a gas stove, how about setting up a few stoves at the head office? Cabinets are needed to store ingredients, seasonings, cooking tools, cups, dishes, chopsticks, etc. After roughly thinking about what to add, Feiyu closed his eyes and scanned the structure of the stone house carefully with all his mental strength - he was very familiar with

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