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☆ 50. Chapter 49

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Chapter 49:

When he woke up early in the morning, he found no stalking beast around him, so Fei Yu went to the kitchen to make breakfast and prepare the food he would sell for the day. After finishing the meal, he returned to the bedroom with the food. He thought he had forgotten to ask Da Long Snake to eat, so he went to call him again. As a result, he opened the door and hit a hard chest.

Fei Yu groaned as he held his forehead.

Dalongshe quickly stepped back and apologized in a panic.

"It's okay, it's okay." Fei Yu put down his hand and asked him: "When did you get up?" Why didn't he hear any footsteps?

"It didn't take long. I just wanted to see if the priest was here?"

Fei Yu looked at him strangely: "What priest? Did you call the priest from the Yan tribe?"

As a result, Dalong Snake looked even more strangely than him. He: "Yan tribe? Where did a two-star tribe's priests come from? I'm talking about the priests of the Dragon Snake tribe."

Fei Yu asked in confusion: "You have been kicked out by the Dragon Snake tribe, how can you still call A priest from the Dragon Snake Clan?" Moreover, the Dragon Snake had been with him yesterday. If the other party wanted to call him a priest, he would know it immediately.

"When was I kicked out of the clan?" Da Long Snake asked inexplicably, "Didn't I tell you? I've been dreaming recently and my head hurts. I went to the pharmacist to see it but it didn't work. That's why I asked Find a priest and try to see." Priests are only available in three-star tribes. The priests of the Rou tribe will definitely not show it to him, the next leader of the Dragon and Snake tribe, so he can only find it in the tribe. "And the priest is here, and he can also help me see how to remember the forgotten memories."

"Do you know that you have forgotten some memories?" Fei Yu always felt that something was wrong.

Da Long Snake nodded: "Isn't that what you said?" He paused and added with reddened ears, "You also said that we formed a contract."

Knowing that his memory was incomplete, he still remembered that we formed a contract with him, but I dont remember being kicked out by the Dragon Snake clan, but what about the little Dragon Snake?

"Do you remember your Zai Zai?"

"When did I have a Zai Zai?"

Fei Yu: "...Okay." It seems that Xiao Long Snake has also been forgotten.

But luckily I didn't forget everything. Feiyu turned around and picked up the food to feed the two cubs, preparing to see what else he remembered - yesterday he told himself that he had a dream, and this morning he had been dreaming recently, and he obviously remembered other things. ——memory, while filling in the forgotten things for him. Of course, the latter is limited to what he knows.

"Sit down and talk." After Fei Yu finished speaking, he touched the little tiger cub's head.

"Ouch~" What the little tiger cub likes most is eating time. As soon as the food is delivered to the tip of his nose, he will immediately open his eyes following the smell, and his furry little head will move up and down urging Fei Yu to quickly take his small bowl. Put it away, his saliva has wetted the fur around his mouth and he can't wait to eat it!

Fei Yu smiled softly, put down the small tableware, put the tiger cub on the table for him to eat by himself, and then reached into the simple quilt covered with linen and animal skin to touch the little dragon snake.

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