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☆ 126. Chapter 125

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Chapter 125

The entrance to the hunting area is not easy to find. It's okay if the hunting area is small, because the entrance won't be too far from the hunting area. If the hunting area is very large, it will be more troublesome to find the entrance. Because you have to use your mental power to perceive bit by bit, the wider the range, the more places you need to perceive. Of course, before perceiving, you need to use experience to carefully calculate and narrow the range to be perceived as much as possible.

In fact, even if the range is narrowed, you still have to rely on luck when it comes to sensing. If you're not lucky, you might not be sure that the last place you didn't sense is the entrance. If you're lucky, your spiritual power may be the target right after you explore it?

Fei Yu felt that he was quite lucky to have sensed the entrance to the hunting area in less than five days.

After finding the entrance, its time to consider how to open it. Fei Yu is not a space-type superpower, so he is better than knowing nothing about it. So the method he came up with to open the entrance was just one word - grinding.

He and Ji Si gathered their strength and slowly polished it without stopping. As long as a hole can be drilled into the wall of the space, it will be much easier to enlarge the hole enough for two people to enter.

The good news is that the walls of the space are usually weaker where the entrance is.

The bad news is that no matter how thin it is, it still takes a lot of effort and effort to get through it. The difficulty is very difficult for Fei Yu and Ji Si, who have no space abilities.

After all, no matter how brittle it is, it is still a space wall...

"Use all our abilities to push towards this place together." Fei Yu pointed to a certain position in the void, "I said we would do it together from the beginning."

Ji Si nodded, "Don't worry."

The two began to release their abilities.

A green supernatural power emerged from a hand, growing rapidly from a small point to a green ball as big as a water tank in the blink of an eye.

In one hand, a long white stick quickly formed, with one end sharpened and sharpened.

The green ball suspended in Feiyu's hand expanded to the extreme and then compressed in turn until it shrank into a ball as big as a fist. It was smaller in size, but it looked more dangerous.

"Do it!" Fei Yu shouted, before throwing the green ball in his hand towards the target point.

The green ball hit the void, but did not fly far. Instead, it hit an invisible barrier when passing a certain point. Ripples suddenly appeared in mid-air, like weak ripples on the water.

The long stick in Ji Si's hand was thrown out as hard as Fei Yu, and the sharp end was pierced hard in the center of the ripples. The ripples in the air suddenly solidified, and seemed to make an invisible crackling sound, and a black spot cracked at the place where it was stabbed. size gap.

"Use your ability toward the crack!" Fei Yu said urgently, and the wood-type superpowers rushed toward the crack. This time it was not a ball of pure energy, but an extremely strong vine.

Keith obediently threw long sticks one after another.

The vines tightly wrapped all the long sticks together, and the tips of the long sticks stretched the gap wider and wider.

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