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☆ 21. Chapter 21

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Chapter 21

"Good time!" Shu Mu was so hot that he kept sticking out his tongue, but he still couldn't help stuffing sugar cakes into his mouth one by one.

What is sulking?

What's the point of being embarrassed?

At this moment, everything was thrown out of the sky because of a piece of sugar cake.

Fei Yu had a smile on his lips and felt slightly relieved.

There are many sweet foods, but without sufficient ingredients, Fei Yu's food options are limited.

At first he thought about making sweet and sour animal meat, but he soon gave up. First, he didn't have any vinegar. Although the sour fruit he found was sour, it was still slightly different from the vinegar. Erlai Feiyu didn't know if there were sweet and sour delicacies in this world, but he always felt that based on Shumu's true love for sweets, he might have tried white sugar-boiled meat and white sugar barbecue.

Fei Yu wanted to make something novel, something that was not available in the orc world. Even if Shu Mu ate it, he couldn't figure out how to make it for a while.

To eat cola eggs, you only need a piece of candy. After thinking about it, Feiyu decided to make sugar cakes.

It is novel and the dough is difficult to study. The most important thing is that when you bite it, you will get a thick syrup, which is too sweet to be worth it.

For Shu Mu, sweet, very sweet, damn sweet, that's right.

The dough of the sugar cakes made by Fei Yu is very thin, so it won't become unbiteable even after it cools down, and the orcs have very good teeth. The amount is about the size of a palm, and Shu Mu can eat one in three mouthfuls at most. If the sugar wrapped in the pancake is not too hot, Shumu will definitely try to eat one pancake in one bite!

There were no more than 20 sugar cakes on the wooden plate. Shumu's speed was so fast that he ate only seven or eight cakes in just a short time. At this time, he was able to restrain his eagerness a little, and tasted the remaining sugar cakes gracefully.

He nibbled and ate in an orderly manner for a while, and ate it all in one bite.

After a while, he bit out a big hole in the sugar cake, took a big sip at the syrup inside, held it in his mouth and sipped it, reluctant to swallow it. After sipping enough, he slowly swallowed it into his stomach, folded the noodles in his hand, and stuffed them into his mouth.

In less than five minutes, all the sugar cookies were eaten.

Shu Mu smacked his oily mouth and licked his fingers with dissatisfaction.

"Too little."

His face was twisted into a knot, and his gaze as he stared at Fei Yu was extremely complicated. There was the joy of eating favorite food, the anxiety of not having enough, the dissatisfaction with Fei Yu for making too few sugar cookies, and the hope that Fei Yu could make more so that he could eat enough.

Shu Mu contributed to Fei Yu the emotions of love and hate he experienced for the first time in his life.

Yuan asked Fei Yu: "What is the name of this you made?" He watched silently from beginning to end as Shu Mu finished all the food alone, but never waited for the other party to let him have a bite. While watching Shu Mu eat, Yuan quietly swallowed a dozen times.

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