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☆ 54. Chapter 53

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Chapter 53

Before the new house was built, Feiyu didn't plan to start selling jam. He was making jam now to determine the taste of the orcs in advance, and it was also a small publicity.

I didnt make much jam, so I had to keep most of it for myself. Since he couldn't earn much beast coins by selling them, Feiyu simply organized an event where he came to a restaurant to eat and gave away a pack of jam for free.

Since it is a bag, the jam must be packed in a bag. Where to find the bag? Naturally, I have to give full play to my gray abilities.

Speaking of this, Fei Yu had to sigh again that he really hired a very convenient employee.

The ability of ash can be used freely, whether it is making large bags or small bags, there is no problem. The bigger the bag, the faster the energy is consumed, but this time the jam Feiyu requested was a small bag one finger long and two finger wide, which was probably a bit bigger than the ketchup in KFC in his previous life.

Hui was originally worried that Fei Yu would be unhappy because he couldn't hold it in. When he heard that it was such a small bag, he instantly grinned with joy.

Hui immediately made a small bag and let Fei Yu check whether it was up to standard.

The small transparent bag is smooth and strong, very difficult to tear, and is easier to cut with a bone knife. After Feiyu saw it, there was nothing wrong with it, and Hui immediately started mass production.

"Wait." Fei Yu interrupted him and asked tentatively: "Can you seal the bag?"

Hui looked at him doubtfully: "...Seal it?"

Fei Yu pointed to the opening of the pouch and said: "Just seal it. Seal this opening."

Hui stared at the pouch and thought for a moment, then said, "I'll give it a try."

He held the pouch and pondered for a long time, then suddenly opened his mouth and sprayed a white line towards the opening of the pouch. He controlled the white line to fall on the mouth of the bag. It became slightly thicker and then stopped moving, and the color also changed from white to transparent.

"Is this okay?" Hui asked anxiously.

Fei Yu looked carefully. It looked like there was a plastic thread sewn into the original opening. It was obvious, but the opening was indeed sealed.

Fei Yu was very satisfied and smiled warmly at Hui. After giving him instructions in this way and that, Hui heard his chest being slapped one after another, his face flushed with excitement, and he was inspired by Fei Yu's words to become extremely ambitious, and he strode away with high spirits.


Feiyu's occupation of the land was not covered up, and the restaurant he opened was at a time when the orcs were squeezing their heads to come in and have a meal. Almost immediately after he announced that he would close the business for a day, he started to open a restaurant because he could not satisfy his appetite. The lustful orc followed him to find out why he had closed his shop for a day. Almost immediately, he led the employees to mark the new site. In a short time, the guests in the restaurant knew what he was going to do.

The word spread, and soon all the orcs who often came to the restaurant to eat knew the reason, and soon because they were standing in small groups on the street chatting, discussing, related and unrelated... many people just I know what Fei Yu wants to do.

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