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☆ 35. Chapter 34

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Chapter 34

The peppers that evolved into spiritual plants were twice smaller than before. Each one was only one finger long, and the whole body was covered with a faint hazy red light. You can feel the spicy energy even from a distance of one meter.

As a person who doesn't like spicy food, Fei Yu immediately picked out a chili and threw it into his mouth to taste it -

spicy! It's almost spicy!

Fei Yu took the water on the table and poured it into his mouth. As a result, he opened his mouth and sprayed out a bunch of sparks. Sparks floated into the mouth of the cup and sprinkled on the water. A small flame suddenly burst out, and Fei Yu was caught off guard and burned off a tuft of hair on his forehead.

Fei Yu was speechless in front of the pepper.

You have just evolved into a spiritual plant, don't you think your power is a bit too strong?

The evolution of peppers seemed to have sounded the charge. In the following time, Fei Yu witnessed the miraculous moments of space unfolding one by one -

a potato as big as a basketball actually made a "pong" sound when knocked on it. On a whim, Feiyu dug up a potato and used it as a racket. However, before he could throw it out, he just grabbed the potato with a little force and the potato was immediately torn to pieces.

So is this an egg wrapped in iron? It breaks into pieces when knocked. The key is that potatoes have a refreshing fragrance, which wakes them up as soon as they smell it. Feiyu was so sad that he got the smell of potatoes and stayed up all night.

There is also the golden radish, which is classified as a wild fruit. It is half an arm long and tastes exactly like carrots. It looks like golden radish, and it also has the effect of enhancing the hardness of bones. Fei Yu thought wildly, wondering if if he continued to eat the golden radish, he would grow a pair of golden bones, which would really increase his worth.

In addition to radishes and potatoes, Fei Yu also discovered tomatoes. Tomatoes that have evolved into spiritual plants have powerful effects on appetizing, digesting, eliminating toxins, and beautifying the skin. Feiyu ate two grapefruit-sized tomatoes in a row, and then ran to the toilet three times.

... Various familiar and unfamiliar foods have all developed in a good direction after becoming spiritual plants, and have various beneficial effects on the human body.

Fei Yu's hands were itching to see it, and he wished he could make a full table of Manchu and Chinese dishes right away.

This is really a timely rain from heaven. He almost loves his own space!


When Little Dragon Snake woke up early in the morning, he saw a pair of "biling, biling" eyes that seemed to be shining brightly.

"Hiss?" He tilted his little head and yelled in a daze.

The little voice was low and soft, and Fei Yu immediately couldn't suppress the joyful mood that had been exciting all night. He gently held the little dragon snake's little head with two fingers, and kissed him as fiercely as a tiger.

After a series of "bop-bop" sounds, the little dragon snake, which was stunned by the kiss, shook its little head and fell dizzy on the bed.

"Hiss..." Little Dragon Snake felt that he had experienced in advance what it felt like to take off when wings grew out.

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