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☆ 115. Chapter 114

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Chapter 114

Looking at the tied high-level beast warriors belonging to his own beast clan from a distance, the leader of the liger clan felt so regretful that his intestines turned green.

"What should I do?" He hid behind the giant tree and turned around anxiously. As he turned around, he couldn't help but feel a little happy in his heart.

The leader of the Liger tribe had to admit that he was still afraid of Ji Si. Just like this time when he agreed with the Dragon Snake Clan to kill Ji Si and his partner here, he also wanted to participate in this battle, but he still backed down when it came time to take action.

Obviously knowing that there are so many high-level beast warriors, and obviously there is one more high-level beast warrior this time than when Ji Si was intercepted and killed, even if they can't kill him, they can at least maim him like that time, but the Liger tribe The clan leader was still afraid.

He finally withdrew from the action because of fear, and because he didn't have to be tied up in a row like those beast warriors. He was safe.

...safe and anxious.

How safe is he? Can it be compared to the captured high-level beast warrior?


The leader of the Liger tribe knows the answer very well.

It feels aggrieved to say that although he is the leader of the Liger Clan, his role as leader is not as satisfactory as the leader of the Dragon Snake Clan. Regardless of whether it is the Liger Clan or the Dragon Snake Clan, those who want to be the clan leader have strength requirements, that is, they must become a high-level awakened beast warrior. The two clans had always done this until Ji Si was killed.

After Ji Si was seriously injured and sent away, his friend became the leader of the Dragon Snake Clan, which was partly due to his appointment as the leader of the Liger Clan. The previous leader of the Liger tribe had done a great job for the current leader of the Dragon and Snake tribe. In addition, he suffered an incurable injury due to carelessness while doing so, so he had to give up his position as leader. The new clan leader requested to be a high-level awakened beast warrior, but the previous clan leader suddenly resigned, so the young senior beast warriors of the Liger tribe had not yet been trained. The previous clan leader did not want those old high-level beast warriors to become clan leaders, so he proposed to start from the highest level. Young orcs who are close to senior beast warriors are chosen to be the leader of the clan.

The previous leader of the Liger Clan recommended his cub without hesitation, who is now the leader of the Liger Clan. After a fight, the previous patriarch, who had the support of the Dragon Snake Clan, won.

The leader of the Liger Tribe won the victory, but his role as leader was not very satisfactory. After all, his father's strength has regressed, and the Dragon Snake Clan is a foreign aid after all. He still knows how to be the leader of the clan with his tail between his legs.

He thought that as long as he became a high-level awakened beast warrior, he wouldn't have to endure it anymore, and he could fix whoever he wanted to fix.

He endured and endured until he saw Ji Si...

Ji Si was like a knife hanging on the neck of the leader of the Liger clan. He was worried about Ji Si's revenge and could not rest at ease almost all the time. He might feel better if Keith showed her hatred towards him. But Ji Si ignored him, as if she didn't know him. The leader of the Liger Clan couldn't see anything from Ji Si's expression. He was so frightened that he kept thinking about things and couldn't help but decide to take action.

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