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☆ 97. Chapter 96 Chapter 96

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Chapter 96 Chapter 96

To read or not to read, this is a very serious problem.

Ji Si frowned and thought for a long time, and decided to explore Fei Yu's tone first.

"Do you like ugly dogs?"

It's not okay to ask this question. Although males are different from females, they are not so different that they like ugly things.

As Jisi walked, she rehearsed in advance what to ask Fei Yu when she saw him.

"Do you think the Sky Fox tribe is good-looking?"


"You are wrong. In fact, not all Sky Fox tribe are good-looking. Look at this big popsicle I made specially for you. He is ugly, right? Tell me secretly. You, he was actually made by me after a certain Sky Fox orc I saw before."

Ji Si frowned and asked himself. After finishing, he shook his head again, "It's still not okay to ask this way. If there really is such an ugly Sky Fox orc, it will definitely spread throughout the entire orc tribe. Yu grew up in the Sky Fox tribe. If there is such a thing, it is impossible that he has not seen it.

" At the door, Jisi still didn't want to ask a question that would get the answer she wanted without letting Fei Yu notice that something was wrong.

"Alas..." Ji Si sighed towards the door.

He just wanted Yu Xiang to be happy and get over the sadness of losing his hair. Why was it so difficult?

Ji Si knocked on the door a few times - this was the rule set by Yu - then opened the door and walked in.

What you see is a vast expanse of snow-white fur, with no sign of Fei Yu.

"Yu!" Ji Si screamed, her heartbeat stopped in fear, and she immediately pounced on Fei Yu who was on the ground without even thinking about it.

His first reaction was that a wild beast broke into the room and ate Fei Yu, but he immediately denied it. He has been staying in the small kitchen. If there is a beast, he will definitely detect it immediately.

Jisi calmed down, turned the "beast" on the ground, and raised his head slightly.

"Huh? Sky Fox Clan?!" Ji Si said in surprise, "Can Yu transform into a beast?"

He was so flustered that he didn't pay attention. As soon as he calmed down, and because he was close enough, Ji Si immediately smelled Fei Yu. Unique smell.

"It's Yu's animal form!" Ji Si touched it carefully. "The fur is very soft and feels really comfortable to touch. But how could Yu suddenly change into an animal form? Isn't it true that he can't change? Oh, by the way, Yu has been acting like a beast recently. It's losing its hair. Could it be said that a waste beast can transform into an animal form, and losing its hair is a characteristic?"

Ji Si kept mumbling in his mouth, while he quickly and skillfully checked Fei Yu's physical condition.

"There's nothing wrong with my body, I'm just running out of abilities."

Ji Si felt relieved and easily carried Fei Yu on his shoulders with two arms, moving him from the ground to the bed.

After doing all this, Jisi went to the small kitchen to move the big ice sculpture he made.

——Its all done, lets show it to Yu.

Feiyu slept until three days later.

In the past few days, Numa and his brother have been busy supporting the food in the restaurant. Although the food is far from Feiyu, it is still better than other food restaurants. None of the orcs who come to eat complain. , on the contrary, all of them were worried, with a dejected expression as if the sky was about to collapse.

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