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☆ 6. Chapter 6font record

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Chapter 6

Orcs come and go in the gathering place, and there are many who set up stalls and open shops. Fei Yu can't reach the popular spot where there are so many people, but you can still sneak in to the smaller spots.

The stall location that Fei Yu chose was right next to the stall selling white and pink juice.

The stall owner selling white and pink juice is a male orc, and his stall is located in front of his wooden house. Because it is a unique business in the gathering place, and it sells food that female orcs like very much, the male orcs have obtained a lot of good things from the trade. Feiyu even heard from some whispers that from time to time, orcs from other chaotic tribes would make a special trip to buy this kind of fruit. Sometimes the goods were exchanged, and sometimes they were purchased with animal coins.

——Beast currency is a transaction currency only available to star tribes. It is not easy to make and its function is not limited to payment.

Fei Yu used his mental power to inspect the large yard enclosed by the male orcs. Inside, there were nearly fifty trees that produced flour and fruits planted in rows. The trees were full of fruits, and Fei Yu was so greedy to see them. But no matter how greedy he is, he won’t steal it! Naturally, other people's hard work must be exchanged for something of equal value.

Next to Fei Yu was a shop selling honey and wild fruits. The shop owner was a somewhat shy middle-aged female orc, who always had a gentle smile on her face. Honey wild fruits are made by female orcs, but it is not her who sells honey wild fruits, but her husband - a male orc with a loud voice and a hearty smile.

The reason why Fei Yu set up his stall here was, on the one hand, to get to know the two stall owners so that he could exchange more flour, fruits and honey from them. It would be even better if we could attract orcs with beast coins. On the other hand, it's because the food sold at these two stalls is very popular among female orcs. The cola eggs he was about to sell had a sweeter taste, so it was estimated that female orcs would like to eat them more.

He put the wooden board he picked up on the way on the ground and placed the wooden basket on the wooden board. As soon as he opened the lid of the basket, Feiyu stood aside and imitated the other orcs and began to shout loudly.

"Cola eggs, freshly cooked cola eggs, delicious and hot, the sweetness lingers in your mouth for three days after one bite!"

"There are not many, first come, first served!"

Fei Yu shouted not very well, in a group of people The templated shouting sounds are novel enough. In addition, new food rarely appeared in the gathering place. Out of curiosity and excitement, two orcs soon gathered around.

"Are you new here? What are you selling?" the strong male orc asked loudly before he even got close.

Fei Yu smiled: "Cola eggs, they are delicious."

"Cola eggs?" The male orc asked with a question mark on his forehead, "What kind of beast is a Cola? Why have I never heard of it?"

Another stood next to the wooden basket. The female orc looked at the eggs in the basket and asked: "Are these the eggs laid by the Colamon you mentioned? Why are some big and some smaller?" "

It's not the Colamon." Fei Yu said warmly, " They are eggs made from cola juice."

Sure enough, the two orcs then asked: "What is cola?"

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