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☆ 77. Chapter 76

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Chapter 76

Because Fei Yu slapped her on the forehead, Ji Si felt something was wrong all day long. Maybe it was the first time that Fei Yu had done such an intimate gesture to him, or maybe it was because no one except his father had ever touched his head in his memory, so Ji Si had a dream that night.

I dreamed that I had turned into a rare oversized cub again.

In the dream, he crawled out of the woods that he had claimed as his own territory, and met many strange-looking people along the way who exuded a putrid smell.

That's right, it's "people".

The reason why they are not called beastmen is because from the last dream, Ji Si discovered that these people cannot transform into beast forms. They don't have the same powerful beast form as the orcs, but their human form is much more powerful than the orcs' human form. No matter how hard they hit, they seem to be invincible. No matter how badly they are injured, they seem to be uninjured. They can attack without hesitation while dragging their intestines with blood. Even if they have broken legs, they can still crawl very fast with their arms. . When their arms were broken, they opened their big black mouths, "Ba Ba Ba" and kept biting their sharp teeth, doing useless work until their heads were chopped off.

These weirdos will die only if their heads are chopped off. This is what Keith discovered after smashing several weirdos to pieces.

In the woods before, he was too lazy to do anything. He waited for the big tree to kill these weirdos, then stole them and ate the shiny stones in their heads. When the big tree was killed by him and the green stone in the tree's body was swallowed, Ji Si awakened his ability. It would take a long time to see one or two weirdos in the woods. Now that he has the ability, Jisi decided to go down the mountain today.

Along the way, he saw all kinds of things he had never seen before -

flat roads paved with unknown materials, some houses with only one floor, and some houses that were very high. Not only were they high, but some were also very beautiful. , Ji Si even saw his own figure on the wall. There are also brittle rocks, which can be seen everywhere, and they dont look precious at all. There are many carts on the road that have four wheels like wooden carts, but are harder and sturdier than wooden carts. Keith couldn't recognize what it was made of, so he just called it a hard car.

Ji Si went into those houses and took a look. Some of them should be for simple living, and some had many identical items. Ji Si guessed that they were probably shops. It's just that he didn't recognize the items sold there. Some of them he could tell were food after eating them, while others would only make him feel sick to his stomach.

Even so, Ji Si still found a lot of delicious food. Especially the kind of food that comes in a bulging bag, which is thin and crispy and has a crunch when you bite it.

Ji Si came to a candy shop. There were many candies in jars made of brittle stones. They were colorful, some were sour, some were sweet, and some had a strong milky flavor. Jisi liked the sour candy, so he decided to roll all the candy in this small shop into his stomach before leaving.

This house could not fully accommodate Jisi's huge body, especially when he was tumbling around, and holes were accidentally pulled out of several walls by his tail.

" "With a sound, a hole was revealed in the wall again.

Jisi flicked her tail nonchalantly and turned around to leave the room that he had plundered. He climbed so fast that he didn't notice a flash of green light at the hole. When the light turned into a long green vine wrapped around his tail, Jisi immediately reacted to dodge, but the vine split into dozens of extremely thin vines in mid-air. It became very fast in an instant, and it immediately wrapped Ji Si's tail tightly.

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