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☆ 127. Chapter 126

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Chapter 126

After walking far away, Fei Yu found a place to sit down and began to study spiritual plants. The goal is very simple, which is to achieve super awakening and successfully make himself and Ji Si become super awakened beast warriors.

Feiyu has both mental and wood abilities, but it hasn't been long since his mental ability broke through to the advanced level. He doesn't know when he will be super awakened, so he is mainly stuck in the advanced stage for super awakening. Long-standing wood ability. As for Ji Si, he also has dual-system abilities. Whether it is the sound system or the ice system, it takes a lot more time to pick out a card than Fei Yu only. Speaking of urgency, Ji Si was more anxious than Fei Yu.

There is nothing you can do if you are anxious, the process must always be done slowly.

Previously in the Yan tribe, Fei Yu had already developed a method for super awakening based on the situation of the two of them. Unfortunately, he lacked spiritual plants and had to wait until he entered the hunting area to find them all.

Finding all the spiritual plants does not mean that they will be awakened immediately. It will take some time.

Fei Yu is not a potion master. Although he can make a little potion, the effect is not as good as the spiritual food he makes.

The medicinal liquid is made by extracting and matching herbs. To put it simply, the only ingredients are herbs and spiritual plants. Spiritual food is made by combining herbs or spiritual plants with food ingredients to make delicious food. It is more suitable to say that it is food with medicinal effects. In terms of doing it, spiritual food is a bit more difficult. Spiritual food is not just about putting herbs and spiritual plants into the ingredients. It also needs to take into account the effects of the ingredients. Even if the effect is minimal, it must be perfectly integrated with the herbs or spiritual plants that are put in. A slight mistake, a slight mistake, could mean that spiritual food is useless at best, or life-threatening at worst.

Each ability needs to be awakened by eating different spiritual foods. Fei Yu has already thought about the three spiritual foods in the Yan tribe. Now he only needs to integrate the last few spiritual plants he found.

The further you go, the more difficult it will be to integrate the spiritual plants, because there are too many spiritual plant ingredients to worry about in the front. Fortunately, Fei Yu has already imagined various situations in his mind, and now he only needs to try them one by one step by step.

It would take more time for Jisi to awaken the two abilities, so Feiyu would make his spiritual food first.

The milky white bone soup is bubbling in the "gudong, gudong" pottery pot, and the rising heat is wrapped in the aroma of the food and sweeping around.

Because it was related to whether he could be super awakened, Fei Yu chose the easiest soup for him to ensure the success rate. At the same time, it is easier for the ingredients and spiritual herbs to blend perfectly in the soup.

Ji Si licked her lips and watched Fei Yu pour the prepared spiritual plants into the soup. He swallowed secretly and asked with a stern face: "Didn't you ask me to come over and try the effect? ​​Why isn't it better yet?"

Fei Yu said without raising his head: "Wait a minute."

"There are already several. 'Wait a minute.'" Jisi complained, but her chin slightly raised in triumph. He had been called over by Yu for a while, saying he wanted to try the effects of the food. In fact, what Yu wanted to do more was to see him, right? He knew that Yu must have regretted driving him to the other side of the hill. Otherwise, he could have waited until the food was really ready before calling him. The "wait a minute" was simply "look at you".

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