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☆ 124. Chapter 123

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Chapter 123:

For the first batch of branches of Zaizai Restaurant that Fei Yu chose to be located in one-star tribes, except for some two-star tribes that had good relations with the Yan tribe.

While many two-star tribes were still in the dark, Zaizai Restaurant had already become popular among the one-star tribes.

"Hey, do you want to go hunting?" A certain orc from the Two-Star Tribe stopped his companion in front and asked.

The companion shook his head and hesitated for a few seconds. Friendship defeated greed: "It's not hunting." "

Then what are you going to do?"

"I, I..." The companion gritted his teeth and confessed: "I'm going to the Heavenly Tribe."

" Heavenly Tribe?" The orc muttered these words. It took him a long time to dig out these three words from a corner of his memory. "Isn't Heavenly Tribe a one-star tribe? Go to that tribe and do whatever you want. What? I remember that this one-star tribe was much more chaotic than other one-star tribes, right? It was just a little better than the chaotic tribe. After all, it had just become a one-star tribe not long ago... Why can't you think of going there? Wouldn't it be better to go to the two-star tribe or the three-star tribe? Even if you have to go to the one-star tribe, wouldn't it be better to go to another one-star tribe? Hey! Why did you leave, you-"

The companion was really fed up with his N Every Every time I see him, he will be talked about until his head hurts. When he is not paying attention, he will run away.

The orc looked at the back of his companion with only a black dot left, rolled his eyes, and suddenly smiled.

He didn't believe that his cunning companion had no purpose in going to the Heavenly Tribe!

The orcs caught up quickly, but they didn't get very close. Instead, they fell far behind the opponent and followed quietly. He looked at his companion running around without rest or sleep, without resting or eating or drinking along the way. He couldn't help but be shocked and thought: Is his companion crazy?

The orcs followed their companions all the way over mountains and ridges, and finally arrived at the Tian tribe after four days of running.

Wiping the sweat from running on his forehead, the orc panted like a critically ill old cow. He raised his eyelids and looked at his companion. He was wheezing and panting harder than him. The orc immediately felt balanced. However, before his breathing could calm down, his companion started running again, so fast that the orc couldn't help but wonder if he was hallucinating.

What can he do? It was just a final touch, so naturally he continued to follow.

The companion was running loose in front, and the orcs were chasing after him furtively. After running and chasing, my companions stopped in front of a food store by a familiar route.

The orc looked up and saw, Huh? It's Zaizai Restaurant. It turns out that my good friend came to the Tian tribe just to eat the food from Zaizai restaurant. It seems somewhat understandable...

Bah! Its strange to understand!

There is a Zaizai restaurant in their tribe. If you want to eat food, you can eat it in your own tribe. Why do you have to come so far to the Tian tribe? Is it because the Zaizai restaurant here serves better food than the Zaizai restaurant in their tribe? No, those orcs from the Yan Tribe clearly said that every food in Zaizai Restaurant was made by Master Yu himself.

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