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☆ 78. Chapter 77

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Chapter 77:

Wooden barrels filled with wild beast blood were placed around the high platform built at the entrance of the restaurant. In the center of the high platform is a huge fire pit. The firewood piled high in the fire pit has been ignited, and the flames are rising several meters high.

Under the high platform, the orcs who were about to perform the bonding ceremony had arrived long ago. At this time, they all transformed into beast forms and jumped and roared around the high platform.

Kong rarely took off his beautiful linen clothes and only wore an animal skin skirt around his waist. The animal skin skirt is not newly made. It can be seen that it has been worn for a long time. There are many scratches on the surface of the animal skin. The fur is stuck together one by one and the color is black.

Not only Sora, but all the orcs today took off their linen clothes and put on primitive animal skin skirts, revealing their tall and strong bodies, bulging muscles, and criss-crossing scars of varying lengths on their bodies. .

Fei Yu also had to change into an animal skin skirt accordingly.

Well, he urgently killed a beast, stripped off its fur, and... Ji Si made him an animal skin skirt with no technical content at all.

Wearing an animal skin skirt, Fei Yu lingered until the ceremony was about to begin, and finally had to be pulled out of the room by Ji Si with a slightly blushing face.

He subconsciously held down the animal skin skirt with both hands, feeling slightly embarrassed.

It's not because he only wears an animal skin skirt. After all, if he were an orc, Fei Yu would still be a male. For males, it's not a big deal to be naked. Look at the female orc's animal skin skirt, it only has one more on the chest.

Ive already worn a kennel skirt, so what does an animal skin skirt mean? Cant I just add an extra pair of underwear to the animal skin skirt? It's no problem if he's frank, but it's a big problem if he's frank. Especially since the animal skin skirt is so short, if you want to cover it up, it's no better than not wearing it at all.

It's a pity that all adult orcs dress like this. If Feiyu doesn't follow the crowd and insists on wearing underwear, then he will attract the attention of all the orcs.

Fei Yu, who was a little ashamed and angry, had to transfer all his shame to his own son.

Adult orcs wear animal skin skirts, but the cubs don't even need to wrap them in animal skins, they can just run around naked. Fei Yu did the next best thing and also put an animal skin skirt on the little dragon and snake.

"Dad, can I not wear it?" Little Dragon Snake grabbed the fur on the animal skin and asked with a frown. He just lay down outside the window and took a look. The other cubs were all naked. Is there something wrong with him wearing an animal skin skirt?

Fei Yu firmly refused: "No, if you don't wear it, people will look naked."

Xiaolongshe asked tangledly: "But wouldn't it be weird if you don't let people look naked?"

"It's not weird at all!" Fei Yu said She was startled by his words and her voice rose unconsciously. How could his Zaizai feel that it was right to be exposed? Who taught him this wrong perception?

The big dragon snake came back again, and after hearing this, he said: "I have never seen cubs wearing animal skin skirts during the pairing ceremony."

Fei Yu's eyes pierced him.

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