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☆ 10. Chapter 10font record

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Chapter 10

"Yu, you bad guy, give me back my black balls!" Seeing Yu even using his limbs to transform into beasts, the little boy's eyes turned red with anger. After hesitating for a few seconds, he transformed directly into his beast form.

Fei Yu's eyes suddenly lit up -

he had long been extremely curious about "people turning into beasts"!

When human form transforms into animal form, which part of the body transforms first? Trunk first then limbs? Or do the limbs come first and then the torso? Or maybe the body, arms and legs come together at the same time?

Fei Yu opened his eyes wide and unleashed all his mental energy, just to not miss any tiny detail!

I saw that on the little body that had not slowed down, yellow feathers suddenly appeared one by one on the exposed skin. Along with the feathers, there is also a yellow shimmer that is so faint that it is almost visible. The shimmer of light was like mist, and as soon as it appeared, it quickly wrapped around Xiao's entire body. In less than a blink of an eye, Xiao was wrapped into a big cocoon.

The cocoon, as thin as a cicada's wings, was like glass, filled with light. It only lasted for less than a moment, and then it was like a cracked silk, broken into thousands of stars.

In the light spot, a big yellow bird spread its wings, raised its slender neck, raised its head to the sky and let out a clear and sweet "chirp" sound.

The entire transformation process doesn't even take a second. To describe the process in simple words, it is growing hair - glowing - turning into a beast.

Fei Yu was a little disappointed.

Xiao Que, who had transformed into an animal form, was even more desperate than him.

The little one spread out his wings and flapped his wings crookedly to chase the rain. She didn't fly very high. As a carnivorous eagle, flying less than two meters was simply an insult to the clan's custom. She can fly faster than running on two legs in human form, but compared to other tribesmen who soar high in the sky with their wings spread, and will immediately swoop down once they lock onto their prey, piercing their sharp claws into the prey's flesh. Yes, it's much slower.

To sum up, Xiao is one of the lagging members of the clan.

Although the people of the Eagle tribe who were so protective of her would not dislike her, on the contrary, they would protect her even more. Xiao Ye had never felt inferior because of this, but after all, she felt that she had been embarrassed by her tribe. Since being able to transform into human form, Xiao will almost never reveal his animal form unless necessary.

But now, Xiao encountered a life-threatening emergency.

——The two hundred black eggs she ordered were robbed.

——Two baskets of life-saving black eggs, which were related to her future and even her future, were taken away!


Xiao Rui roared, his wings whirred and fanned out the afterimage, rolled up the dust, and flew out in a twisting and twisting snake-shaped route. His two sharp claws grabbed the remaining two baskets of black eggs, and his mouth moved. He spit out an animal skin bag and handed it to Fei Yu, and then angrily and with unconcealable panic, he quickly chased in the direction of Yu.

Fei Yu was silent, and his mental power swept over the two animal skin bags. The animal skin bags given to him by the two female orcs each contained a hundred black beast coins.

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