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☆ 108. Chapter 107

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Chapter 107

"The Dragon Snake Clan and the Liger Clan are here!"

"And the Sky Fox Clan!"

"Where are they?...Huh? The heads of the Liger Clan and the Clan Chiefs of the Sky Fox Clan are all here together. ?"

"Not only them, the leaders of the allied tribes are also here. It's strange, didn't these leaders of the beast tribe always come after the hunting war is over? Why did they come so early this time?" "

They are here, yes Didn't you say that the leader of the Dragon Snake Clan is here too? I heard that not many orcs have met the new leader of the Dragon Snake Clan. I must take advantage of this opportunity to participate in the hunting battle to see how powerful he looks." "

Haha, Then you will be disappointed. Well, did you see? The person from the Dragon Snake Clan is not the patriarch." "

This is even more strange. Could it be that those beast tribes had discussed in advance to come together and deliberately left the Dragon Snake behind? The leader of the tribe?"

"Shh! Don't talk nonsense! Although they are all three-star tribes, the most powerful ones are the Dragon Snake tribe. Be careful that the orcs from the Dragon Snake tribe hear you, otherwise our leader will not kill you. What are you talking about?"

Fei Yu stood next to these people and listened to their conversation clearly. He scanned the orcs from the orc tribe with all his mental strength, and especially after looking at their expressions, he found something interesting.

Among them, the joy on the faces of the leaders of the Liger Clan and the Sky Fox Clan was the most obvious, and they had no intention of hiding it at all.

Secondly, the leaders of the allied tribes looked the happiest. But his happiness was very different from the first two. It was mixed with excitement, nervousness, worry and even fear.

The leader of the allied tribe appears to be standing alone, but if you look carefully, you can find that his body is unconsciously leaning towards the Liger and Sky Fox tribes, and his ears are perked up as if he is listening to their conversation attentively. , seem to care about everything they say and do.

If there was one person who was not in a happy mood at all, it was the Dragon Snake Clan.

Not only did he put on a "I'm very unhappy" look, the face of the orc from the Dragon Snake Tribe was even distorted. From time to time, he would grind his molars at the leaders of the Liger Tribe and Sky Fox Tribe, wishing he could swallow them alive.

"Why isn't the leader of your Dragon Snake Clan here?" The leader of the Liger Clan has thick dark golden hair, a square face, slightly dark skin, and well-knotted muscles. He is tall and strong. Standing there from a distance, he looks like a towering figure. hill. His voice was very high, and when he spoke loudly, it made people's eardrums hurt.

The orc from the Dragon Snake Clan is the confidant of the current clan leader. Hearing this, he tried his best to squeeze out a smile and replied: "Our clan leader has something more important than a hunting battle recently, so I'm afraid he won't be able to come."

"It's more important than a hunting battle. What's the matter?" The leader of the Tianhu Clan raised his eyes, and his beautiful face was cold and expressionless. "What is it?"

The leader of the Liger Clan laughed "haha": "Can you tell me, I also I want to know. The hunting war is related to the high-level awakened beast warriors. There is something more important than this. I really can't think of it."

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