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It was a little before midnight and Robyn Westland sat on the same chair at the same bar as she had done for the last two months. Every Friday night was the same. Her friends Cheryl and Demi convinced her to go out and within ninety minutes both of them had pulled and essentially left her to it.

She had decided to finish her drink and head home. She wasn't even sure why she had agreed to come out. I guess it was slightly better than a night in her PJs cradling Victor, her tortoise shell house cat, while drinking cheap wine and watching reruns of friends on TV.

She looked up from her Old Fashioned at the exact moment that someone entered the club on the other side of the bar. Despite the dim lighting and crowds. She could see enough to determine this woman was exactly her type. She was tall, masc had an air of confidence as she removed her leather jacket, and swung it over her shoulder. Robyn found that she couldn't stop her eyes from following the newcomer. The way her black V neck t hung tight to what looked like an athletic body, her eyes trailed down noticing the heavy buckled belt framing the waistline of her stone washed denims.

Her eyes traveled back up as she noticed the dark haired woman turn to greet some people, and the tattooed sleeve which adorned her muscles arms, embracing them. The woman turned and made eye contact with Robyn for a second. Robyn felt embarrassed like she'd been caught staring. But this was short lived as the tall girl sent a smile and a wink her way. She returned the smile as she felt a burst of excitement.

The woman she was watching then turned back to the group she was conversing with and Robyn looked at her own half finished whisky cocktail. Before searching for the tattooed girl in the crowd again with no success.

She couldn't understand how she could have disappeared in the second it took her to look at her drink. Oh well, typical. Robyn lifted her glass and drained the contents. Lifting her bag from the bar she made to stand up.

"You're not leaving so soon, are you?" The voice was smooth and confident and it was presented with a smile framed with dimples you could dive into.

"Well, now that depends." Robyn smiled back, standing next to her vacated chair. "On your next line."

"Well I was just making my way over, to offer to buy the hottest woman in the club a drink." The short haired woman widened her smile, biting on her bottom lip.

"God. You're smooth. Does it always work for you?" Robyn tried to play it cool as she moved her long blonde fringe away from her face.

"So what are you drinking? No, let me guess, you're an old fashioned gal." She sat down on the stool next to Robyn and nodded to the bartender, "bottle of coors and an old fashioned please."


Robyn retook her seat. Hoping that her face was not as flushed as it felt. As she watched the stranger, present her card from her wallet and then handed the server cash for the drinks.

"Riley." The cheeky brunette offered her hand.

"Robyn" replied as she looked at the newcomer's hand, long fingers. Slender, defined knuckles.

"Nice name. Beautiful just like its owner."

"Are you just full of lines?"

"I take offense to that accusation. I'm not sure why you would think I'm feeding you a line when it's true. You are beautiful."

Robyn's gut fluttered, "yeah I could tell you were a charmer the moment you walked in."

"Ah so you were watching me then, did you like what you saw?"

"I was just curious." Robyn nodded. As she noticed Riley's eyes momentarily drop taking in her cleavage. "Do you like what you see?"

"Very much. That dress looks amazing on you. Not to mention I just live for hazel eyes. They give away so much with the way they change color."

Robyn moved the conversation on from outwardly, obviously flirting "I've not seen you in here before." The blonde said, lifting her drink from the bar.

"No. Just moved a few weeks back. To the camp."

"You're a soldier?"

"No. My Dad is an instructor."

"So you're an army brat." Robyn smiled as she drew her top front teeth slowly over her bottom lip. She momentarily considered what age the brunette was to still be living at home. Her head reminded her of the ID so at least she's 21.

"I object to that too. We're not all brats but usually if we are it's for a good reason."

"So what is it you actually do?"

"Uh nuh." Riley smiled. "Much too dull for this evening no shop talk. I'd much rather find out why a gorgeous woman like you is sitting at a bar on her own on a Friday night. No Mrs Robyn?"

"How do you know there isn't a Mr Robyn?" The blonde played along.

"I don't but if there is, you should definitely tell him you're into handsome women."

She left a smirk on her face which made Robyn's mind go crazy thinking about how confident this woman would be in bed. She was so self assured. Sometimes that would annoy her but she had a feeling this gal could back up the chat.

"So." Riley said.


"Do you still want to get out of here?"

Robyn smiled. "What one drink, a few lines and half a conversation and you think you've pulled?"

"One drink, honest observations and the promise of the night of your life." Riley raised her eyebrows. She knew the blonde was going to agree.

"I don't sleep with people I meet in a bar."

"Who said anything about sex. Is that what you were thinking about Robyn? You want me to take you home." She moved closer whispering into the blondes ear, "make you come all night."

Robyn sighed out a tense breath.

"Don't worry babe, I don't sleep with people I don't know either, all I was going to do was offer you a ride." Riley paused intentionally, "my bikes parked outside."

Robyn had lost all sensibility by this point completely enthralled by the handsome newcomer. She found herself nodding before her mouth could catch up to allow her head to say no.

Riley stood up and offered Robyn her hand while she stepped off the barstool. She kept it while she led the blonde back through the crowded bar, casually lifting her leather jacket from a table near the door.

"Riley. You away babe?" A young looking redhead enquired.

"Catch you tomorrow, Lynn have a good one." The brunette replied as Robyn followed her out of the door, to the parking lot. "Here." Riley draped the jacket over the blonde's shoulders.

"I'm not sure how I'll get on with this dress."

"Just slide it up a little, you'll be fine." The biker handed the blonde a spare helmet from under the seat. "Make sure you clip it on."  She watched as Robyn did as instructed. Before putting her own crash helmet on and straddling the bike. Robyn moved in behind her tentatively. "You need to hold on to me. No tighter than that."

Robyn felt the coldness of the leather seat against her thighs and core. She wasn't exactly sure why she had ended up in this situation but as she felt Riley take her hands and move them so they were wrapped tight around her abdomen. She knew why, this woman excited her. She looked like she had walked right out of one of her dreams, and right now as she could feel the stiffness of the brunette's abs against her palms she was more than willing to let the charming biker take her anywhere.

She felt the engine start and the vibrations against her core were exquisite. She gripped tighter as the bike set off at speed.

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