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They lay on Robyn's bed, she'd pulled the cover over them now that they had cooled down. Riley's head rested on her shoulder and the blonde was stroking the biker's hair, while they cuddled in, both still slightly sticky with sweat heat of their love making. Neither had any idea what time it was.

"I wish you could stay. I want to lie with you like this all night and wake up with you in the morning."

"Me too." The student said from her position just above the teachers breasts. "My Dad's never going to believe I was at the library now." She half laughed.

"So that's where you told him you were going? What will he say?"

"Probably nothing, he tells me what he thinks I've done rather than ask, like he will say I know you didn't come home or, you know women won't get you an education. He likes reminding me of the consequences of failing, and the fact my mom died to ensure girls got a right to go to school." She sighed.

"That's shit. What are the consequences he mentions?"

"Oh well this is the last year he is going to keep me, I'm an adult I should be more independent, which is fucked as he does nothing but question my independence. He says that the only place that will have me is the army, and that if I don't pass I should just sign up." Riley paused for a moment while she considered what she wanted to say. "It's not that I don't want to serve, it's not about patriotism. It's that I've spent my entire existence in what seems like half a life, moving all over the place, you know I don't have proper friends. Like a best friend. I can't make plans for a future with anyone; who wants a partner; they maybe only see eight to ten weeks a year?"

"You know there are other options. Like swimming, you're a good teacher."

"Yeah but it won't pay enough to keep a house. I make about $360 a week. Which is great when you like to have zero responsibilities. But it's a small town and there isn't a huge waiting list for swimming lessons. I do save most of it, so I have a deposit for somewhere to live. I don't want to fail. I really don't, I'm just not that smart."

"You're smarter than you think and it's not all about academia. Anyway you're not going to fail." She leaned down and kissed the top of Riley's head. "I get to meet your Dad next week. I'm assuming he's coming to parents' evening?"

"Yeah he'll be there. Fuck I never thought about that. He makes me sit with him, so that's going to be interesting."

"Yeah, I'll just have to be super mean about you so he doesn't suspect anything."

"Don't do that. I'll just try not to look at you. Do you think I'll pass the re-sit? I mean it should be easier now I know the questions."

"No, it's a different set of questions . It would be unfair if they were the same and I'm not marking your paper. I asked another English teacher to mark it."

"Couldn't you trust yourself to not mark me too highly?"

"No the opposite, I'm scared I overcompensate for my feelings and mark you lower."

"Right, is that what you did the last time?"

"I don't think so. Anyway, let's stop talking about work."


"It's okay I just want our time together about learning about each other. You broke many hearts?"

"Just my own I think. I don't want you to think that what I'm about to say demeans what I feel in any way. But I fall quite easy, I don't know if that's about seeking out that special kind of attention. But this feels different, like I would say I've loved a few women; but maybe this is the first time I've been in love. Now I sound like a kid."

"No, I know what you mean. Until I met Sam I wouldn't say I'd ever been in love before. I'd had a girlfriend at school and she was my first and when it ended I was devastated, but when I look back now I loved her for sure but I think I knew it would always end that there wasn't enough there. But eh, Sam was my world for years. Even after she'd broken me completely I would've still gone to the ends of the earth for her."

"Do you still feel like that?"

"No. I started properly getting over her about a year ago. Didn't think I'd ever feel that way again or that anyone would make me put my heart first. Then you walked into a bar and the more I got to know you the more I wanted too. I tried so hard to be rational and sensible about this. But I couldn't. You drive me to distraction, the way you look at me. Talk. The way you looked out for me even at our lowest, oh and the things you do to my body." Robyn ended the statement with a laugh.

"Yeah, well I love your body and making you feel good." Riley looked up, "but I hate seeing you in pain. I just wanted to make sure you were okay, to protect you. Keep you safe, even if you weren't mine I loved you and I couldn't bear to see you in pain." Riley looked up. "Anyway, what time is it?"

Robyn lifted her mobile from the bedside cabinet. "Half one."

"I better get going, I'm up at 5 for swimming."

"You're going to get in trouble for going home at this time, and there isn't going to be anyone up in this building at that time in the morning, so stay."

"I can't. All my stuff is at home, not the swim stuff but I need clean boxers," she raised her eyebrows. "And stuff for Tuesday classes. I can come over tomorrow after swimming if you want."

"I do want but I have Demi and my other friend Cheryl coming for dinner. Anyway you need to focus on revising, the re-sit is on Wednesday."

"I revise better when it involves you taking off your clothes."

"Hmmm well maybe we can FaceTime tomorrow night?" The blonde smiled.

"Can I use your number then?"

"Yeah, I deleted yours. It was too tempting."

"I'll message when I'm home then you can save it as Sex Slave or something like that."

"Oh really, you want to be my sex slave?"

"Dream job I think."

"Well in that case," she pulled Riley up to her face. "I want you to make me come all over your face before you leave."

"Really, it's always the quiet ones, not that I'm complaining or going to say no to that."

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