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Riley stood at her locker and changed over her textbooks. American history then Math before she'd head to work.

"Hey gorgeous!" Jenny stopped by her locker. "So tomorrow night there is a party at Spencers."

Riley looked shocked the blonde was seriously not going to ask her out on date. The fear must have been apparent on her face as the blonde  gave her a look.

"No we don't like him either, but his rents are loaded and there's a pool and loads of booze. So I expect to see you there."

The blonde confidently placed an unwanted peck on the biker's cheek and gave her twinkle finger wave as she walked away.

A few meters away Robyn Westland watched the entire interaction. She felt that jealousy again as she watched the blonde student kiss Riley. She considered if the brunette had been playing her all the time. She definitely moved on quick.

"Marshall" she shouted after the brunette who had started walking in another direction. She started to follow the biker. "A word please."

Riley knew the voice. A lump formed in her throat. She turned to find Robyn literally a rulers width from her. Their eyes met. Riley felt the burst of electricity she'd become accustomed to when the teacher was standing so close. They both took a step back.

"Come with me."

"I'll be late for class Ma'am"

Robyn considered if the ma'am thing was a dig at her age or a response Riley was used to from the base. "Who have you got?"

"Mr Garrison, American History."

"I'll speak to him later. Please, come with me."

Riley tentatively nodded and Robyn led the way back towards her own classroom. They walked in silence, the only sound was of the teachers' heels as they clattered along the linoleum corridor.

"Don't close it all the way over." Ms Westland said as Riley moved to shut the door behind her.
"Please pull over a seat."

Riley did as instructed and moved a chair to the side of the teachers desk.

Robyn would have felt more in control if the student was a little further away. But she hadn't specified and didn't want to create another scene like earlier. She looked at the brunettes face she was so fucking handsome it was crazy. It was the deep blue eyes and even deeper dimples. She was stunning. She wished her mind wasn't taking her places she couldn't go.

"I wanted to apologize for the way I spoke to you earlier. I am finding this whole situation extremely challenging but you have to understand where I'm coming from, I could get into a lot of trouble and I can't have you speak to me or treat me like you did today. I could have you suspended for that behavior, or excluded. But I'm not, I get that this is difficult for you to so..."

"I'm sorry too. Jenny said you were pretty pissed after I left the class."

"She's not a good person you know."

Riley looked over the table. "There's nothing going on there."

"I saw her kiss you."

The biker reddened, she gulped, "yeah she kissed me, it wasn't wanted."

"It's none of my business who you see. I just thought..."

"Rob, I don't want Jenny. I can't have who I want. So..." she shrugged her shoulders.

"I don't know how we do this. I didn't like upsetting you."

"Yeah, I didn't like making you feel bad either. I was watching you teach and thinking about you in ways that I shouldn't anymore, that's why I missed the page number."

The teacher wanted to confess that she was jealous, she wanted to move forward and kiss the biker. She hoped that all of that wasn't covered through her eyes as she noticed Riley staring at her.   "Please come back to class and give me another chance at being a better teacher and human tomorrow."

Riley nodded, "I'll try to be a better student. Please don't ask me to read in front of everyone. I get nervous and all the words move around and I feel like an idiot."

"I can't always promise that but I'll keep it in mind." Robyn smiled.

"This is shit." Riley said what the teacher was thinking.

Robyn gave the slightest of nods before standing up, "yeah, so you missed out on the homework assignment. So you're to write me about 1000 words all about what makes you, you. Things that have shaped your life, it's due next Wednesday."

"That's not a lot of time."

"Well it was given out yesterday."

"I'm working tonight and the weekend. I'll get it in it's my problem I have some work for math too and soccer training starts on Monday."

"You like coach fleet?"

"Yeah she's cool and maybe one day she'll remember my name. But come Monday she ain't ever going to forget my shirt number." Riley winked as she stood up.

"That's the most you, you've sounded since this all transpired," Robyn smiled and her eyes twinkled as she appreciated the cockiness in the students voice.

"I'll do my best to be a good student then maybe when I get my diploma, you'll still like me enough that em..."

"No. That's never going to happen. Riley, it's strictly a professional relationship from now on. Not because I don't want to, you understand but can't. So we have to let that notion go."

Riley nodded; it felt less personal than the night before. But it still sucked. "I understand but it still sucks. Look I best be getting to class, can you give me a note. So I won't get detention please."


Robyn filled out a slip and handed the paper over, their hands touched for the briefest of moments and their eyes met instantly. It was as if drawn together their heads started moving closer, their eyes searching each other's face, looking at the others lips while moistening their own.

"Ms Westland." Principal Goldie's voice cut through the moment and it was gone.

They both mourned it in their own silence as they got on with their day. Their evening and the week.

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