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Riley smiled as she used a fork to push down some of the chili minced beef into the taco, before adding a sour cream and a little grated cheese. "I think we over ordered."

They had opted for the feast sharer which consisted of rice and black beans, chili mince, smoked chicken, iceberg lettuce, salsa, guacamole, soured cream and taco shells and tortillas. There was way too much food for two people.

"Well whatever we don't get through I'll take home for lunch tomorrow." Robyn winked as she laid claim to any leftovers. She set about filling a tortilla with rice, beans and chili.

"This is nice." Riley said after taking a sip of ginger beer. "I can't remember the last time I purposely went out for food with someone."

"No?" Robyn looked over, "Sam and I used to eat out a lot."

Riley nodded, she didn't really want to think about Sam anymore tonight. "I guess that's what folks in a normal relationship do. I'm sorry we're hiding hauled up in your apartment all the time. Maybe once I graduate then we can be more open."

"Yeah." Robyn knew it would have to be sometime before there would be enough of a gap to ensure there were no rumors, she actually knew that there would be gossip no matter how long they waited.

"What are you thinking about?"

"Small towns. Maybe after you graduate we should move somewhere together away from all this."

Riley smiled. "Maybe."

"Anyway, going back to what you were saying earlier, did you never go out with your family to eat?"

The biker shook her head, "not really. I can remember being out once, I think it was my 10th birthday. My grandparents were there well on my moms side. My Dad's family have always been military and my dads, dad em..." Riley gulped, "took his own life and for a reason I still don't know neither him nor his brothers talk to their mother. I couldn't even tell you if they are still alive. I know my moms Dad is but he stays in Hawaii. Sorry so yeah I think that might have been the last time I went out for food."

Robyn looked over, "what was she like? Your mom."

Riley looked reflective.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to upset you." The blonde said, taking the brunette's hand.

"You didn't. I think I said before that it's weird because I am not really sure how to answer the question. I remember like fleeting memories or sometimes things will make me think about her. Like you know how you play the back of my neck and shoulders, when I'm cuddled in. Well she did that."


"No. No, I like it. It makes me feel safe." Riley smiled. "They say you should get to know your parents, because you never know when they'll be gone. I get that. But still I find it hard to get on with my Dad. We're quite similar. I think we're both pretty guarded." The brunette shrugged.

"Yeah. I think the ship has sailed with mine too."

"Have you never tried to contact them again?"

"Not really, since I left for university I've only been home a handful of times and then. I'm not welcome. I always think about making phone calls during holidays but I'm just so scared to hear them say they don't want me again, that I don't." Robyn looked sad as she shrugged her shoulders.

"Yeah. I'm sorry. God we've turned this into a cheerful date eh?" Riley pulled a face.

The blonde laughed.

Sometime later the waitress brought a peach Margarita for Robyn and another ginger beer for Riley. Alongside the box of leftovers.

"I just need to pop to the car a second. I left your card on the backseat." The biker hurried out of the restaurant.

"Hey, I thought it was you." Robyn looked up to see Dorothea's mother. She gulped. This woman was the head of the board of governors at the school. She wondered if she knew who Riley was.

"Hello. You having a good evening?"

"Yes. Looks like you are too Miss Westland. Your date looks charming. My eldest daughter is with a woman too. So don't worry we're not that conservative on the board that we don't understand about same sex relationships."

"Yeah" Robyn grimaced. She was more worried about how liberal they'd be if they found out her date was a student, or that student had also almost slept with the aforementioned eldest daughter. She prayed that Riley would stay away long enough for the chairperson to move away.

"The food is lovely here but it's always too much." The older woman nodded to the take away box.

"Yeah it is. This is the first time I've been." She noticed Riley almost jog back into the restaurant.

"This is Sam." It was the first name that came to her head. "My partner."

Riley tried to hide her annoyance as she extended her hand. "Hi".

The blonde felt horrible as she noticed the shine leave her partner's eyes. Why did she choose that name?

"Well I'll let you love birds get back to your date. Miss Westland. Sam." The tall woman walked on with her husband's hand reassuringly placed on her back.

"That's Dorothea's mom, she's the chair of the board. Sorry it was the first name that came to mind."

"It's okay."

"No it's not. You don't need to pretend. I just didn't think."

"Yeah, can we maybe not mention her name for the rest of the night. I trust you completely. I'm maybe just not as secure in myself as I thought I was."

"No, I understand I am sure I'd feel the same if your ex showed up and you called me her name."

"Thanks. Anyway let's focus on us and..." Riley handed the blonde an envelope. "I saw it and I thought it was something that would appeal to you."

"Oh. Well, I guess I better give you this too." The teacher reached into her bag and pulled out her card. The envelopes were the same red. As are 95% of all valentines cards.

"Same time?"


They both opened the cards at the same time. Robyn tried to pick it off the glued down seal, which Riley managed to get a finger under the fold to rip it at the seam. Both had placed the card so the back was showing as the paper jacket was pulled away. They looked at each other as they pulled the card from the envelope and turned it around at the same time.

They both laughed. "What's the chances?" Robyn shook her head as she looked at the two little puffing volcanos.

They opened the cards. There was a folded note in the one which Riley had given the teacher. But both had used the inside of the card to write a short note about how they felt, and what they appreciated and loved about each other.

"You're such a sop." Robyn smiled with tears of happiness in her eyes.

"Hey don't spread that about. You'll ruin my street cred." Riley smiled as she leaned over and wiped the tears from the blonde's face.

"I love you."

"I love you too."

"So what's this?" The blonde asked as she unfolded the paper.

"Well I don't want you to be annoyed but when we were talking the other night about going away. I, I just, well."

"Wow, this is too much." Robyn smiled. "Mexico, for four nights during spring break."

"Yeah it's an Air B&B it's got its own pool and private bit of beach. But it's close enough to the town and stuff."

"You need to let me pay half."

"No I was thinking, it might be more practical to get there in a car, so maybe you pay the gas and we sort out food and stuff when we get there."

The teacher bit on her bottom lip, "okay sounds like a plan. Now are you ready to take me home Ms Marshall. I am up for showing you exactly how I feel about you." She raised her eyebrows.

"Well yeah but only after I show you."

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