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Riley didn't feel much like swimming anymore. In fact she didn't feel much like school either. She had no idea how she could face Robyn. She wasn't sure if talking to her partner would help.

She knew how much the blonde loved teaching and how hard it had been to get a job. She'd told her as much the weekend before. She got back on her bike, and watched as Sam drove off. She could follow her to see if she could take the photos in some way but she knew someone who was as sneaky as Sam had been would have copies somewhere.

She sat over the bike in the parking lot while she ran through the options. Sure she could tell Robyn but it would get out and she'd lose her job. She'd probably end up resenting her for ruining her life. End up losing her anyway. End up out of school and homeless.

She gulped hard making her decision. It broke her heart. She felt the tears escape. She never wanted to hurt Robyn but she really couldn't see another way. She knew that she'd have to make it believable. She put her helmet on and started the bike. No school today. She just needed the highway and time to process.

Around lunchtime she received a message from Robyn, asking where she was and if she was okay. Riley was sitting on her leather jacket, on golden sand, she'd taken her denims off and out in the shorts she had for gym, she could feel the heat of the california spring sunshine toast her skin. She knew it was stupid to be sitting like this and that she'd likely burn but she was numb to everything. Lost. Robyn had signed off the message as just worried and I love you.

I love you too. Riley thought ro herself. There has to be some other way through this someway which would mean she doesn't hurt Robyn.

She stood up, palming the sand from her clothes and legs, lifting her jacket and backpack, and she moved down towards the water. She put her phone in the bag. There was no one else around. So she took the shorts off and undid her bra under her t-shirt. She left them on a pile next to her jacket, and kicked off her trainers. She'd discarded her socks earlier when she'd changed from her denims.

She started to head into the sea. She needed to cool off, and swimming always managed to help her process things in her mind. When she reached the point where she was waist high she dipped to her knees, feeling the initial chill send a shock through her body. Before she set off for a swim. She noted a few landmarks to keep her right and to stop her swimming too far away while she did laps, occasionally having to duck for a large wave.

The tide was coming in. She could tell by the frequency of the waves. The swimmer also knew that she didn't have any understanding of the tidal forces here. So headed back to shore, striding out of the water she collected her clothes and moved back up the beach. She lifted her phone from her bag. Trying to dry her hands on her shorts she managed to open her messages.

Me: Hey please don't ask any questions I'll explain. I need to see you. Do you think you could find that picnic spot I took you to the night we met? Make sure no one follows you. I love you too x

Ten minutes later she'd managed to change back into her denims although she was now commando and slipped her bra back on, with her school polo over it. Footwear, jacket and helmet. It would take two hours to get back in time to meet Robyn after school where she suggested and she needed to stop for gas.


Robyn heard her mobile sound. She was in the middle of explaining to her juniors how onomatopoeia works in poetry and literature.

"Okay so I want you to read the text and find some examples." She says as sits down at her desk and checks her cell. It is all a bit strange but there has to be some reason for it. She sets the phone down. She is sure she can find the spot.

As the classes finish for the day she heads out to her car, it's Tuesday and she is expecting Demi and Cheryl at six as always. If she's going to be late she'll let them know. Check you're not followed, that's what the message said. While she thought that was strange the teacher did go around the town in a strange route and checked her mirror several times.

There was no traffic on the woodland road as she pulled the car into the scenic picnic stop above the town. She noticed Riley's bike was already there. The biker was sitting at the bench waiting. God it was good to see her.


Riley turned and almost grimaced trying to smile.


"You okay?" The blonde asked. Reading that everything was not fine.

The biker gulped.

"Are we okay?" The teacher could feel the tension and asked the question with her heart in her mouth. Please don't break up with me, was a silent prayer she was now saying in her head.

"Sam, was waiting at my work this morning. I have no idea how she knew I go swimming so early. I guess she's been watching me too. She's got photos of us leaving last week in your car. She knows you're my English teacher. She wants me to break up with you. Or she'll send the photos to the school."

"You're not breaking up with me." Robyn stated as a fact. "Not unless you want to. I don't want that."

"I was going to, but I don't want to hurt you or us. I thought maybe we should try to work it out together." Riley pulled her lips in and lowered her brows.

"Thank you." The teacher smiled at her student.

"I don't know what she gets out of this."

"I think she thinks she gets me. You break my heart and I go to her to be comforted. But she warped, I know what a good relationship feels like now and I'd never go back to what she offered. Even if. But I want you." Robyn searched for Riley's blue eyes as the biker studied the wooden table. "I love you. I want you forever Riley Marshall. I want you more than some stupid job at a high school."

"But if it comes out, you won't be able to teach again. You told me that you always wanted to be a teacher and sharing your passion for literature was what makes you tick. I can't take that away, you'd hate me for it."

"Look, let's think about it. We're not seeing each other at the moment for fear of her capturing us together, the boats sailed she has them. So tell her you've broken up with me. Like she wants."

"She has to believe it. She's a sneaky cu..."

"She is. So I will go through the motions. You too and we pretend, then when she realizes I'm not going back to her anyway maybe she'll move on and you will be finished school by then."

"Do you think it will work?"

"I think it's worth a try."

"Rob. I'm so sorry."

"Hey you've nothing to be sorry for, it's her. I love you Ry. Please let's try this."

The biker nodded. "I love you too. I'm missing you like mad. I couldn't come to school today and look at you knowing I was going to hurt you. That's why I stayed away."

"Come here."

Riley moved round as the blonde stood up to embrace her. The biker gave into the pressure of the day and cried.

"We'll get through this. Together." Robyn said softly as she wiped the students' tears from her face. Before gently placing a soft lingering kiss on the brunette's lips.

"I better go in case she's watching the house wondering why I'm late. Call me tonight. I'll message when Demi and Cheryl have gone. I missed you last night." She took the bikers hand while they walked.

"Yeah I missed you too. I wanted to tell you about the base. Joan has set up a test for me to take and they helped with my coursework."


"Was going to moan at you too for not talking me into it sooner?"

"Would you have listened?"

"Probably not." Riley smiled.

"Well I'm glad you're there now and there are things that went on with the school that also stopped me pushing it for a while. I'll explain later."

Riley kissed the teacher's cheek. "I love you."

Robyn smiled. "You too." She slowly released her partners hand as she reached the car.

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