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Riley didn't feel much for going home facing her father. She knew that this would probably mark the end of the relationship she had with parents. She thought about how it may have been different if her mom was still alive. She hadn't felt anything but disappointment from her family unit in such a long time.

She also didn't know what would happen now, if Robyn would want her after all this mess. How she would support herself. She considered that she didn't have much in the way of skills. So work would be hard to get. Maybe, no she definitely didn't want to be a soldier. She knew that much.

She just kept driving as she filled her head with all these thoughts.  She wondered what had happened with Robyn and if the teacher was okay. She pulled the bike up on a dirt lay-by in the middle of nowhere. And pulled up the visor on her helmet to send a message.

Hey are you okay? I'm sorry x

I've Just left the school. What's going on with you? You okay? I love you x

I haven't been home yet, scared. I love you too x

Do you want me to come meet you? We can go tackle your dad together? X

Riley melted at the words. That offer said I love you much more than the three words ever could.

Thank you. I have to do it myself I think. How about I call you after and we could maybe meet somewhere x

Yeah okay babe. Just come over when you are ready x

Riley put her cell back in her pocket, and pulled the visor down before revving up the bike and turning it around and heading for the base.


Robyn changed the phone for her keys as she entered her apartment. She set her briefcase down on the kitchen table. She heard a knock on the door, good she thought Cheryl was quick at getting here. She needed a friend right now but she also needed one with a legal mind. She opened the door with a smile that quickly vanished.

"Sam, I don't want you here. I don't ever want to see you again. What part of that can't you get into your thick skull. I know what you've been upto the blackmail, the photos. I just lost my job but do you know what, I still have Riley, and she is much better woman than you. She is a better lover, better partner, better person. You mean nothing to me. I wish I had never met you. I despise you with every fiber of my being. I am going to give you until I get over there to my phone to leave or I will call the police."

Robyn headed back towards the table. She felt Sam's hand grab her arm, "you don't mean that."

"Yes I do. Let go of me! I said let go!" The teacher tried to pull herself free of her ex partners grip. "Fuck off!" Robyn screamed at the top of her lungs.

Sam tightened her grip, trying to pull the blonde towards her.

"I don't think Robyn wants you to be here." The voice was that of Sandra from next door.

Sam carried on trying to pull Robyn close, "when we kiss you'll remember how you feel."

Robyn froze. She was back in the Alley numb, not sure how to defend herself. As became helpless.

Sam, instantly let go as she collapsed grabbing at her knee. Sandra pulled back her walking stick and hit her again for good measure.

Cheryl showed up at that moment "well what can I say. Think I'll be calling the police." Which she did followed by a message to Demi who instructed her that she'd get Riley to come over.

Cheryl quickly deduced from all of it that Robyn's secret relationship was now common knowledge.

The police arrived in under ten minutes. They had to call an ambulance for Sam whose knee seemed to be dislocated. Sandra had been asked to go back to her apartment and wait until she gave a statement. Both Cheryl and a female officer had managed to move Robyn to a seat on her sofa but they still couldn't get anything but mumbles from her.

It wasn't until Riley arrived at the scene shortly after the ambulance crew that Robyn managed to look up in response to the biker's voice. The student stepped around the first aid situation on the floor and moved Cheryl. The brunette sat down and tried to find her partner's eyes. "Rob. You're okay. I'm here."

Robyn looked up. Her pupils were still wide with fear.

"Hey there you are. Can I touch you?" Riley whispered.

The blonde gave a tentative nod.

Riley took her hand gently, "the police are here. They're going to take her to the hospital then they'll deal with her. She'll not be back here."

"She grabbed me. Wouldn't let go. Said that she was going to kiss me. I just went back to that place. That Saturday night."

The police woman took notes on her phone.

"She's been stalking her since Valentine's." The student added

"Why didn't you report it before?"

"She was blackmailing me." Robyn turned to the police officer. "But everything is out now. So I think she was just trying, I don't know." The blonde let the tears go as the tension escaped. "I'm glad Sandra was here." She looked at Riley.

"Come here." The blonde moved forward and her partner held her. "I've got you. I've always got you."

The policewoman stood up. She gave Riley a nod. The medics had Sam on a stretcher. As they lifted her out of the apartment. Cheryl closed the door leaving the chaos on the other side.

She looked on as her friend was embraced by a woman she'd only ever heard about but not met. But while she quietly put the kettle on she watched as the brunette whispered to Robyn.

"I'm glad you are here. What happened with your Dad?" Robyn looked up from her position on her partner's shoulder.

"I don't know. I got a message from the Coach before I went in. I came here. You are the most important person in my life. I needed to make sure you were okay."

"God I love you."

"You'd do the same for me. I love you too."

"So coffee?" Cheryl interrupted. "I'm Cheryl by the way, I have heard all about you."

Riley stood up. "Riley" she shook Cheryl's hand.

"Nice to meet you eventually." The redhead grinned, "I can see why she's into you. Did she tell you that she's always had a crush on Ruby Rose."

Riley looked at Robyn and smiled, "no she hasn't. You think I look like that?"

"Yes," Cheryl replied.

At the same time Robyn laughed and said, "maybe a wee bit. But not really."

Robyn's cell buzzed to life. It was a private number although she knew it couldn't be Sam she still had the moment of paranoia.

"Do you want me to get that?" The redhead asked about the phone. Robyn nodded.

"Robyn Westlands phone may I ask who is calling? Caroline Gouldie." She looked over at her friend who nodded again.

"Hello" she took the handset. The whole room fell silent. While they watched the teacher listening. "Okay." The blonde ended the call. With a smile. Finally something positive.

"You'll get to go and do your exams. She said to Riley. "If that's what you want."

"But I won't know the rest of the subject stuff."

"I'll teach you. Cheryl and Demi will help."

Riley looked over. "It would help maybe with a job."

Robyn smiled. "Only if it is what you want. Do for you, not me or your Dad."

"Yeah. Yeah I think, yeah I do want."

"Oh and Jenny Manus has been expelled, she'll have to resit at another school next year." Robyn smiled, "how good did it feel to hit her?"

The other two laughed at the question.

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