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Sam had gone quiet which was an unnerving relief. Riley and Robyn stood apart in the school park lot, surrounded by the soccer team and Demi. They were waiting on the bus to the tournament.

The student quickly looked across at the teacher who had her hair up in a messy bun. She had her teacher specs on but was in a pair of stone wash denims and a light wool red v neck. She had a light rain jacket hanging over her canvass overnight hold-all. She looked over and noticed Riley giving her the once over. The bikers a subtle smile back. Her girlfriend looked incredible and she had to let her know, she quickly took her cell from her pocket, and sent a message to the blonde.

You look amazing this morning. I wish I could jump your bones right now ;) god I miss your body x

She heard the beep go off and watched as Robyn retrieved her phone from her pocket. She noticed the blonde blush and smile, before the teacher typed into her phone.

Riley waited a few minutes after she felt the buzz in her pocket to read the reply.

Stop it. We really don't need to get caught now. But my body is missing you too x

The bus pulled up and there was chaos as people rushed to throw their luggage in the hold so they could get the back seats of the bus. It didn't matter which of the girls was sitting there, the second Jenny Manus stood on the coach, she just looked at the people occupying the seat and they stood up and let her have it.

Riley sat near the front. On her own as she expected. Robyn ended up next to Coach Fleet. She could almost view the blonde's reflection in the window. It was enough just to be able to sit and study, her partner. She knew she could never get tired of just looking at the beauty of the blonde. She smiled and she settled back into her seat and prepared for the four hour journey ahead.

There was the usual rabble as the bud stopped at the sports arena where the tournament was being played. They had two games and if they won those then there was one in the evening. It was going to be a long day with any luck.

Robyn waited with Demi while the team went to get into their kit.

"You know I'll be okay if you want to head off. I know sports aren't your thing."

"No, I'm here to," drool over my girlfriend, "offer support," the blonde smiled at her friend. "Are you still thinking about the change you suggested on the bus?"

"Yeah it's the last tournament of the season unless we win then we get to go to the championships but they'll not let Mitchell play, she's too old and they're pretty strict on the age requirement. So I reckon I'll give her the captain's armband, which if I had been braver I should have done at the start of term."

Robyn nodded and tried to hide the joy she felt knowing how much it would mean for Ry to lead the team out. "You know her name is Marshall not Michell right."

"Really. Someone should have said that before now." Demi's stern demeanour cracked, "yeah I know but it's become something of a joke." The coach wandered off.

Robyn heard her shout. "Decent?" From the end of the tunnel. There were some fans from the more local sides and there were a few parents who'd traveled to support Henry Blackwood; she made her way around the pitch to sit with them. She watched as the two teams lined up, she knew she really couldn't see but she pictured the dimples on Riley's face as she spotted the brunette at the front of the line. Wearing the captain's armband.

Jenny was the last of the squad to leave the tunnel and it looked like she was still arguing her point with the coach. Robyn smiled, it was about time one of the staff were brave enough to step up to her. She reflected on her own cowardice and the pain it had caused Riley to have her work read out in class and demeaned. She wasn't going to ever let that happen again.

The first game was an easy win. She watched as Riley set up the cross for the last goal of the game, 4-0 was the final result. She understood that they were in some kind of mini league and they were one of three teams. Demi explained when there was so few teams playing then it might come down to goal difference but that in order to get to the final they would likely need to win one of the games.

Riley and the rest of the team headed back into the change room. To wait on their second game. They weren't long games, twenty minutes each half. The final was to be 60 mins all in though. Robyn felt a bit alone left on the field she eventually walked around the pitch and down the tunnel. She knocked on the door and waited. Coach fleet answered.

"Can I come in?"

"Yeah but some of the girls are in the showers so you'll have to do what I do and look the other way,"

Just as she said that Riley walked through with just a towel covering her modesty. Her hair was wet and and covering her forehead. The biker notice the blonde stare and gave her a smile in return.

"And you definitely can't look at them like that." Demi whispered.

"Sorry I was just caught off guard. Might be better I wait outside, are you all coming back out?"

"No. But look. There is water and isotonic drinks in the bus you want to fetch them. Mitchell should be dressed by then." The coach laughed.

The team made the final which meant waiting around at the sports park for a few hours while the third place playoff took place after a short break for snacks and energy drinks. The team had gone to the change rooms and the teacher back to the stands. It was getting cooler and there was a breeze.

Robyn pulled her cell and sent a message to the Captain.

Good luck. You deserve this, you're amazing. I love you.

Riley put her cell back in her locker. Smiling. "Right, we saw them play earlier, they're fast but we are faster. They tackle hard but fair. I ask that we do the same. We can't afford to lose any players. We've got this. Go Henrietta's!" Admittedly she hated the team name. Made them sound like a bunch of old mother hens but the girls were all geed up.

An hour later Riley was lifting a trophy. Robyn snapped a picture quickly. Jenny was moaning that she should have been the person to lift the cup. After all she'd been the captain all season. It was a short journey back to the hotel. Sure they couldn't have probably just gone home.

But Demi had thought win or lose her seniors deserved a night of freedom. So the hotel was booked with the full knowledge that the girls had all probably brought alcohol in their luggage. Most of the girls were sharing. But Riley had a room of her own. As did both of the teachers.

The student and the teacher found themselves in a corridor of their own in adjacent rooms. They smiled at each other from the corridor. They smiled even harder when they realized that there was a door that joined what would have been a family suite, and even better someone in housekeeping had left that door unlocked.

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