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"You're a fucking idiot." Demi said to her friend, as the group including Riley all dispersed. "Do you know that? Or maybe that's me. I knew it, you and Marshall, but no I thought Rob wouldn't lie to me." The coach sounded pissed.

"I didn't want you involved. I mean I could lose my job. I didn't want you to get into trouble."

"You could go to prison."

"No, she's 21."

Demi shook her head. "Yeah if she says you coerced her in any way it's a jail sentence for you."

"She's not going to do that. Demi this isn't some fling. I wouldn't risk everything unless it really meant something."

"How long?"

"She's the biker I met before the start of term. I really did try and stop it. But the pull was too strong for both of us." Robyn looked at her friend. Wondering how to tell her the current situation, "Sam knows. Sam knows she's a student. She's been blackmailing Riley. She was to break up with me, but we've told her that and we're  pretending like we're meant to be split up. So I haven't seen her outside of school for almost two weeks. When we noticed the joining door between our rooms was open."

"Yeah I get it. I saw the aftermath in both rooms."  Demi half laughed. "You know that even if you get through this you'll always be that teacher?"

Robyn solemnly nodded. "Yeah. I think we'll move away."

"You really love her." Demi finally got it.

"Yeah." The blonde nodded in confirmation. "More than I ever loved anyone in my life. I'm just so scared that…"

"Come here." The gym coach pulled her friend into a hug. "I could've killed you this morning when I found you like that. But I'm always here for you. I can understand why you kept me out of it. But if I can help at all, I guess she's a consenting adult." Demi stood back a moment, "why didn't tell her to do the diploma?"

"Her Dad, he wants her to graduate high school."

"He's a bit of a dick from what I gather."

"Yeah, he is." Robyn smiled, "I love you Dem. I'm sorry you found out the way you did and for lying to you all this time."

"Yeah as I said I understand. Now I have to head. Thanks to your tardiness getting to the bus this morning. I'm running late to meet Mel's parents."

"First time?"

"Yeah" Demi gave a nervous smile.

"Good luck"


"It's just not right I mean how fucking dare she, shows up thinks she can just take my armband. Riley fucking Marshall" Jenny was talking rather loudly to her friends over milkshakes at a dinner in town.

"And Fleet should know better, just like that cow Westland. They don't talk to me like that."

Her clique knew better than to interrupt when she was on her high horse, even if it was to agree. So they just nodded occasionally and slurped on their milkshakes.

Someone who did feel like interrupting however was sitting in the booth behind, playing with the foam in their cappuccino while they listened in.

"Anyway when my Dad hears about this he'll be onto Gouldie so fast. I hope they get hell for it. I mean it's so embarrassing. Do be demoted like that. Especially for a thicko that canny read," Jenny laughed.

"What's got your face Jemma?"

"Like maybe just lay off the stupid comments."

"Really, she fucking you too."

"No. But you know the situation with my bro right so…"

"We're not talking about your bro, babe. We're talking about Riley Marshall, so smile."

Jemma stood up. "Nah, I'm away mate. Tonya?"

The shorter blonde looked at Jenny then Jemma. "She's my lift." Tonya couldn't make eye contact as she scurried along the bench seating. To leave with Jemma.

"You know what. This is remembered. Traitors." Jenny sat back down alone in the booth and looked about herself. She moved the glass back and got ready to leave to find a masc looking woman standing at the end of the booth. "Can I help you?!"

"No. But I think I might be able to help you."

Jenny narrowed her eyes. "Go on."

"Well it turns out we have a mutual disdain for a certain Riley Marshall. I'm guessing you're talking about the Henry Blackwood student."

"Yeah, why? What's she done to you?"

"Stole my girlfriend. Well, fiancée actually."

"So how is that going to help me?"

"Well, so you know a teacher by the name of Robyn Westland?"

"Yeah," Jenny elongated the response while her head started to put things together.

"She was my fiancée."

Jenny smiled. "So you're saying the Westland and Marshall are an item?" Jenny knew she still had that phone somewhere. Rob, Roby Westland. "Do you have proof?"

"Yup. I have a flash drive back at the flat. Got some pictures of them heading away in Robyn's car for spring break together."

"Well. I'm not coming to your flat. You might be like a paedo or something. I'll wait here but if you want to go get the disk." Jenny smirked.

Sam thought about it. She knew Robyn was stubborn. But maybe if she was completely destroyed and it was by a student then. Sam decided it was worth the play. "Okay I'll be twenty minutes."


"Was Demi really pissed with you?" Riley asked from her bedroom down the camera lens.

"A bit but she had every right to be. The amount of times I lied to her about you. Especially during that whole thing with your phone. She directly asked me. But I just didn't want her to be complicit in anything."

"I'm sure she understands Rob. I'm sorry I've made your life so difficult."

"No I chose this, I chose you." Robyn smiled. "Last night was worth getting caught for."

"Yeah. I missed you so much, I'm missing you again. I'd love to be cuddled up with you right now. Playing with your hair, stroking your side. Holding you close. Whispering I love you."

"Soon. It won't be long now." The teacher confirmed.


Jenny sat at her computer desk in the home office her Daddy had built into one of the walk in wardrobes in her bedroom. She put the flash disk into the laptop. She scanned for viruses before she opened the drive. There were around twenty picture files. Some of Riley and Ms Westland separately coming in and out of an apartment complex. Then some of them coming out carrying luggage, placing it in the trunk and getting into a car together and they were all smiles. As she looked at the image it was clear they were a couple. Yup, goodbye Marshall. She knew exactly how she was going to play it. She switched off her laptop and headed to bed with a bounce in her step.

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