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Another fortnight passed the seniors were starting to talk about homecoming. Dorothea was trying to sign people up to a planning committee.

It was all her usual group. Riley had refused but had agreed to captain the soccer team for Coach Fleet. Much to Jenny's dismay. The blonde had finally gotten the message but since the essay Reading incident they'd almost become sworn enemies.

The biker sat at lunch under her tree with her sandwich as usual but as the summer turned to fall she sat with Amy and her partner Jordan who identified transmale. They were good company.

Riley and Robyn hadn't really spoken about the dyslexia thing again but the student had at least inwardly accepted that she was behaving like a brat about the base and the people who got support there.

She had been trying to find a time to explain and apologize to Ms Westland but the teacher was most certainly keeping her at arms length. She still missed the blonde and thought about her when she was on her own. Cuddling into her pillows at night wishing she was holding Robyn.

She'd finally be 21 on Saturday, but that was never really the issue. It was this the fact that she was a student.

"Ry, you going to go to the homecoming dance."

"Don't think so."

"We're going. So are some of the other seniors in the LGBT group so you'd be fine."

The biker smiled. "I'll think about it."


"Please." Demi begged her friend. "For me?"

"I don't really want to meet anyone."

"It's been months since you got any."

"It's been a month and you know what I'm okay with that."  Robyn thought briefly about her last night with Riley.

"Come on, I can't ask Cheryl, she's decided she's straight, likes cock too much. But Mary said we could go out Saturday as long as I could bring someone for her pal."

"What's her pal like?" Robyn asked almosted defeated.

"I don't know, do you want me to ask her to send a pic?"

"You can't do that Dem, she sends a picture then I say no and she thinks I didn't like the look of her mate."

"Yeah, then she'd be pissed at me." The coach smiled. "Just come for drinks."

"You like this one?"

"What makes you say that?"

"Well for a start you remember her name." Robyn laughed.

"Very good, so will you come?"

"Yeah okay. Drinks, that's it."

Demi smiled. "I love you mate."


Robyn Westland sat at the bar, she had on her dress jeans and a pastel colored blouse, with a cream coloured leather jacket. She'd put in a little make up on and had left her hair down. She was waiting for Demi to show up.

She sat across from a short blonde with a pixie cut, with pink stripes of color ribbon tied into it. She was wearing a pink dress to match the ribbon and had so much makeup on. Robyn wondered if the woman realized she looked like an oompah lumpah.

She exhaled slowly, looking up at Jax her date for this evening, "I'm sure they won't be long. What is it you actually do?"

"I'm a dental assistant."

"Yeah and do you like that?" The teacher asked, wanting to kill Demi.

"It's alright I guess."

Robyn took a long drink from her whiskey cocktail. She looked over at the woman fiddling with her iwatch strap. "I'm a teacher."

"Yeah Mary said." The blonde looked at her.

This was torture. Robyn looked up at the door opening hoping to see Demi appear at any time.

The door opened, it only confounded the shit night Robyn was having as Riley walked in. She was wearing a white t-shirt under a black vest,  and stone wash denims, carrying her biker jacket, her hair was swept back but was starting to part and hang down over her brow. She looked handsome. Robyn couldn't help herself; her eyes followed the student around the bar.

Riley looked over and spotted the blonde. She was sitting with another woman. Her heart sank, she's on a date. She read the teachers body language, she's on a date she's not enjoying

"I'm just going to powder my nose." Jax got up off the barstool and headed to the restroom.

Riley headed over and took her seat. "Hi, can I buy you a drink, you look like you need rescuing."

"What with your fake ID. Not going to fall for that twice." She remembered Demi would be here at any moment, and didn't want to be anywhere near Riley not now while she'd had a drink, she wouldn't be able to not make it obvious she was watching the brunette. "Hey." The teacher shouted at the bartender, "she's under age, she's one of my high schoolers. And her ID is fake."

"That was low." Riley shook her head as she was escorted out of the bar.

Jax returned from the toilet and didn't sit down, "I called Mary they're not coming. This was a set up. I don't know about you but I'm not really digging this," the short blonde used her hand to indicate the pair of them. "I mean you're fit and I would shag you if that's what you want."

Robyn smiled, it was probably the worst end to the worst date in the history of her love life. "No you're alright, I don't fancy you at all."

"No worries I'll see you around." With that the blonde left, the teacher felt relief. She decided to have a third drink on her own since she was at the bar anyway. By the time she finished her fourth old fashioned she was feeling a bit drunk, she remembered she'd skipped dinner. Time for home she stumbled up from the chair before steadying her footing.

She walked from the bar, she didn't notice the man following her out.

"You okay there miss." He said as Eobyns body reacted to the fresh air, "you want me to get you home?"

"No thanks I'll be fine thank you."

"I don't think you will be missy."

Robyn noticed the glare to his eyes and knew she was in trouble, "I'll scream. Back off."

"Now you don't want to do that, I'm simply checking you're alright." He put his arms around her and pushed her backwards towards the darkness of an alleyway. "Why don't I show you just how good I could take care of you."

Robyn tried to push him away, but he was strong and she'd been weakened by the drink. "I said No, get off me."

"Now that's not very nice." The man grabbed her chin.

The teacher was squirming trying to get out of his hold, she closed her eyes fearing what was about to happen. She heard a crunch and nano seconds later she was free.

"The woman said, no."

"You stupid fuckung dyke, I think you broke my nose."

Riley stood over him, "what you call me?"

"A stupid fucking dyke!" He literally spat back as he tried to remove the blood from his mouth.

Riley stamped down hard with her biker boots on the guys groin. "Stop you trying to rape anyone else for a while, dickhead."

Eventually she turned to see that it was Robyn standing against the wall in shock, crying with her mouth ajar not uttering a word, "Rob, look at me," the brunette lowered herself so she could find the teacher's eyes, her mascara had run down her cheeks, "come here. Let me get you away from here."

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