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The alarm sounded on Riley's phone; she gently untangled herself from the blonde's embrace and leaned round to switch it off. Before looking at the woman lying next to her. She smiled, the teacher was stunning and very cute when she was sleeping.

"Stop checking me out." The blonde muttered from her slumber, smiling and slowly opening her eyes.

"I can't help it. You're beautiful when you sleep."

"What only when I sleep?" Robyn smiled wider. Then her smile disappeared, "you're not leaving already?"

Riley didn't want to leave, "well normally I would be getting ready to go for a swim. But right now I have no desire to leave."

"Good." The teacher smiled and pulled the student closer. Gently pecking her lips.

Riley settled back into the embrace. She gently stroked the blonde's side and back with her free hand. "God, I love you." She looked into the blonde's hazel eyes.

"I love you too, Ry." The blonde smiled back as she again planted a gentle kiss on the bikers lips.

They lay silently just gazing and caressing each other. Riley started to think about the day ahead and the consequences of failing the resist. Robyn probably would want to date a high school drop out.

"Hey where did you go just then?"

Riley looked at her softly, "I don't want this to end." She shook her head. "I'm just worried that I fail the re-sit and drop out and then I have to go away and..."

"Shhh." Robyn caressed the biker's face. "Let's start with you're not going to fail the re-sit. You've got it all in here." She tapped on Riley's temple. "Secondly in fact there is no secondly. You're stuck with me."

Riley smiled, "sorry."

"No need to apologize."

"You're just like so smart and..."

"Hey, you're smart too. The way you talk about the places you've been and different cultures, when you spoke about the stars the first night we met. So just remember that. You don't need to be academic to be clever or smart, it's life experience that does not school. You've got a good sense of humor and a sharp tongue, I mean that cocky sarcastic wit of yours, that's smart. You're also a very good teacher, patient, understanding, give good instruction and I haven't drowned yet." The blonde laughed. "But don't worry about the exam. You've got this."

"Thank you." Riley smiled. "That really means a lot."

Robyn pulled her tighter.

"So now that you're wide awake and I'm not going for a swim, I was thinking I could put my sharp tongue to another use." Riley smirked.

"Mmm well that would be another smart suggestion."


It was lunchtime before Riley had a moment to message and let Robyn know the test was horrible.

"Well how'd it go?" Amy said as she sat down next to the brunette.

Riley pit her phone down mid message and blew a long stream of air.

"That good eh?"

"Probably worse, it was harder than the one we sat before Christmas."

"Is Ms Westland marking it?"

"No she said it fairer if the teacher setting it marks it."

"Well that's probably a good thing. I'm not sure she likes you very much."

Riley suppressed the smirk forming in her gut.


"No I think you're right, I thought I was the only one that thought she treated me differently."

"Well at least she's not marking it," Amy smiled and waved Jordan over to join them.

The trio conversed until Coach Fleet shouted, "Mitchell!"

"I think she means you." Jordan laughed. "Hey in the great tradition of gym instructors..."

"Yeah" both Riley and Amy said in Unison as the soccer player jumped to her feet.

She almost jogged over to Demi who was standing arms folded like she'd been waiting a long time.

"It's Marshall."

"Well Marshall. We've been invited to play in the finals of the West Coast interstate championships. It's the first week in March. I know you work so are you in?"

"Yeah. I'm in."

"Good then we might actually have a chance of winning this year." Coach Fleet tapped the brunette on the shoulder and walked away.

A bell rang signaling the end of lunch. Shit Riley remembered she hadn't messaged Robyn back. She reached into her pocket. Shit she thought she must have left it where she was sitting. She fought her way through the crowd of people heading for the school building back towards the old oak tree. The crowd had dispersed by the time she reached where she had been sitting. No phone. Her heart was in her mouth, her life was in that phone. It was her way to contact Robyn, oh god she's going to think I'm not talking to her. Riley felt sick. Maybe Amy and Jordan lifted it, yeah that'll be it. She would see Amy in math last period.

She spotted Coach Fleet speaking with Jenny as headed to her locker, brilliant so she'll be going to the tournament too. She shook her head as she lifted her books and closed the locker. The corridor was now quiet. She wondered if she'd have enough time to take a diversion to English before heading to Jittery Jamieson's American History Class. Yeah the history teacher had mostly had a drink at lunch, she smirked as she thought about the discussion they had last class about the prohibition. She turned off and headed towards the end of the corridor and the English department.

She could hear Robyn's voice shouting at a group of middle school students. She chapped and waited.

Robyn gave her a glare as she stepped out into the corridor. "What the fuck Ry."

"I've lost my phone."

"Well, it's not here. You weren't in my class this morning."

Riley looked momentarily confused before she noticed another teacher walk by.


"Well I suggest you find it." Robyn looked worried. "It's locked right?"


The teacher shook her head. "I assume all our messages are on it?" She whispered.

Riley drew her lips in and nodded. "You're saved under Rob, no picture."

Robyn wiped her hand over her face as she felt the panic grow. "Look, just get to class. Come see me later, as in later, later."

Riley walked away as she heard Robyn take out her obvious frustration on a group of students who'd decided to act up in the two minutes she was away from the class.


Jenny sat in her biology class, and looked at her find with a smile. Riley's phone she wondered what secrets it held. "Chuck."

The boy didn't respond. She never spoke to him unless it was to insult him about his weight. He ignored her.

"Oi, I'm talking to you." Jenny threw a piece of paper at his head.

He turned.

"You do IT right your in one of those nerdy groups right?"

He just looked.

"Don't just stare at me Chunk. I want this unlocked." She showed him the phone.

"Is it yours?"

"If it was mine I'd know how to unlock it now wouldn't I." She rolled her eyes. "I just want to make sure it gets back to its rightful owner."

"Then you should probably hand it in."

"Just do it! Or I'll tell the boys you've been secretly taking photos of them in the changing rooms."

"I haven't."

"Well who are they likely to believe?" Jenny smirked. As the bot leaned back and took the cell from her.

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