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Riley took up the offer of support from the base. She was a little tentative going in for the first time on that Monday lunchtime. She asked Amy if maybe she would attend with her for the first time.

The base itself was situated at the back of the library and unlike what Riley had feared there was no big sign saying learning support it was just a door. With the usual list of teachers' names. She looked for and saw the name Mrs Carter. That was who she was looking for. The student took a quick glance at her friend who encouraged her to knock on the door.

The door opened.

"Hello. I'm looking for Ms Carter. Ms Westland arranged for me to come."

"Well you've found her. You are Riley Marshall, I assume."

"Yes Ma'am."

"Good I'm glad you have finally decided to come. Come in, your friend can come too if you like."

Riley looked at Amy. "Thanks but I think I'll be okay on my own now."

Amy smiled. "Proud of you."

Riley entered the base. It was friendly; there were brightly colored posters and charts on the walls. There was a large round table in the center of the room and a row of computers at the back. To the side she could see some other desks with teachers working at them. She spotted the woman who had scribed for her during her re-sit sitting at one of the desks.

"So Ms Westland had indicated that she thought you were dyslexic."

"Yes Ma'am. The lady over there scribed for me a few months ago. During my exam."

"Sally, yes she is a student teacher, she's training in learning support and additional support needs."

"Now let's see what we can support you with. There is nothing to be scared of Riley. We don't judge you. We can do some work to offer some tips when you are writing. Have a look at different tools that make reading easier too. But we can provide software that would help when you are working on a computer."

"I don't have a computer Ma'am"

"So what do you use to type up assessments?"

"My phone."

"Well that might be adding to your issue. The autocorrect function."

Riley nodded. "I have some of my course work on that now. If I send it over, could you maybe read through it."

"No. We're not an editing service. We are here to support you to do a lot of things for yourself. Now we can get you a laptop. If you were happy to sit a dyslexia test."

Riley thought for a moment. "Is it expensive?"

"No, we can arrange it through our budget here."

Riley looked confused as to why Robyn never told her about that. "Why would Ms Westland not have suggested that?"

"She can't. It's school bureaucracy. It all has to go through this base, budgets and things that I am sure are quite boring to you. And us." Mrs Carter laughed. "We have to put in a request from. To the school governors who will then approve it.  We can then purchase an online test and help with equipment and software as needed based on your diagnosis. I know it sounds like it would take a while but if we complete the form today. We will probably be able to proceed with the test by Thursday. The board meets tomorrow night. Do you want to do the test?"

The biker didn't take long to think. "Yes Ma'am"

"Okay and my name is Joan. We're not so formal here." Joan smiled. "In the meantime if you email over your course work we can open it up on one of the computers. Run it through the software. I'll show you how to do it."

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