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Riley got home just before ten, she was feeling shit enough without being reminded that she was useless by her Dad again. So she felt it was imperative that she met his time demand.

"Hi Dad,"

"Marshall. Good to see you can tell the time."

She nodded. "I'm going to get some milk and head to bed. Would you like anything?"

"No, I'm just heading to bed myself. Don't stay up too late."

"I won't. Remember I have work tomorrow so I won't be home until late."

"Okay, I hope you manage the full day at school, no more bunking off."

"Yes Sir."

Riley watched as her father headed through to the bathroom. She walked through to the kitchen and poured a glass of milk, she looked at her school backpack lying next to the garage door where she'd thrown it earlier. She decided to make her lunch for the next day.


Robyn awoke cold and hungry on top of her duvet, victor purring beside her. He'd be hungry too and she felt guilty that she'd missed his meal time.

"You'll be wanting fed," she muttered to the tortoiseshell shape that stirred beside her as she moved. She ruffled the fur between his ears and he rubbed himself against her hand.

She got up and dragged her body to the kitchen. She felt a little stiff and sore as she walked and covered her mouth while she yawned, locating the cat food in the cupboard.

She spotted the flowers where she'd left them. They really were beautiful. Just like the woman who'd sent them. A single tear escaped and she felt it trickle down her cheek, she willed herself not to cry again.

She fed the cat and put a few slices of bread in the toaster, before cracking a few eggs. Ten minutes later she sat back down at the kitchen table where her and Riley ended everything she wanted, and picked through her scrambled eggs.


The following morning came too soon for both of them, neither had slept well. Riley was already leaving the swimming pool when Robyn got up. They were both standing under the spray from showers at exactly the same time with their thoughts.

The blonde wondered if she'd have to be extra sensitive or extra strict when she encountered the biker third period. The swimmer wondered if she should go to class, or if she did how she would be able to sit and watch the teacher without thinking about everything they'd been through.

Before either of them had time to truly decide it was time. The biker looked at the back of her locker as she closed it over. Took a deep breath and decided to be brave.

The teacher paced the floor of her classroom with a nervousness that she hadn't felt since the first day. Just treat her like everyone, pretend she's not there.

Riley caught up to the back of a group not wanting to enter the classroom so obviously on her own. Then she realized they would all have their allotted seats by now, "Jenny," she shouted at the blonde, at the front of the group, despite the fact she'd ignored her advances days before, the student turned back.

"So you're talking now." She smiled.

"Just wondered if you were sitting with anyone?"

"I am now," she winked.

Maybe this wasn't a good idea Riley considered but she needed to get into this class as inconspicuous as possible.

"Jenna, I'm sitting with Riley now. You'll need to get another seat.

Riley watched as a dark haired  girl with an out growing bobbed hair cut tutted and rolled her eyes. Sending an evil look the bikers way.

The swimmer followed Jenny to the back row of the class and sat on the now vacant seat next to her.

The teacher couldn't help but notice. Well that was quick she said to herself as a pang of jealousy stung her gut.

"Okay come on, you're seniors settle down." Ms Westland took control. "Oscar Wilde, Ballad of Reading gaol, page 91 in your textbook."

As the class quietened, Riley couldn't help but study the teacher, the way she moved around the classroom while she spoke about color imagery. The biker fixated on the blonde's lips watching their rhythm while she spoke. She recalled how good they felt to kiss, and how the teacher could make her do anything when she placed them on her neck.

"She's sexy as fuck eh?" Jenny said, noticing the biker staring at the teacher, "Shame she's straight, strict and well a teacher." The blonde muffled a laugh.

"Eh?" Riley was torn from her thoughts.

"Marshall, do you want to share with the rest of the class?" Ms Westland had drawn every set of the eyes in the classroom to the brunette.

"No Ma'am," the student stuttered and reddened.

"Well, then I think you should keep your flirting to your own time  and pay attention. In fact, why don't you start us off?"


"It's okay, just start the poem."

The brunette panicked and looked to Jenny for help but the blonde didn't have the page in the book open either.

She spotted a girl with dyed red hair turn and give her a sympathetic smile. She tried to read her lips as she tried to mouth the number.

"Marshall, is there a problem?" The teacher stared at her.

"What's the page number?"

"91." Ms Westland rolled her eyes, there were a few sniggers from the class.

Riley's mouth dried up as she found the page, and nervously started reading, "the ballad of reading goal."

The class erupted in laughter. She noticed Robyn looking at her disappointed. "reading as in the place not reading and the words is Jail, Marshall, which you would have known had you been listening."

"It doesn't even say goal" one of the boys smirked snidely.  "Nevermind Marshall. Is there anyone here who can actually read."

"Spencer, enough. Marshall continue."

Riley stood up, "no." She made to leave the class.

"Sit down."

Riley continued to head towards the door.

"Marshall, I said SIT. You don't just get to walk in and out of my class as you like."

Riley stared at the teacher and she could see Robyn's eyes dark, with anger. "No you don't get to talk to us like we're animals. I'm not a dog, I don't sit on command." The biker left the class slamming the door behind her.

The class were mostly stunned to shocked silence, except Jenny who laughed.

"Just read the poem." The teacher almost barked at the class. She was fuming. She'd never had a student talk back to her like that. She never expected things with Riley to ever get that way nevermind in less than 10minutes of being in the same space. Robyn sighed loudly.

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