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The next month past quickly while the couple looked forward to their break together. They had managed to find a way to act in school that worked, where they were neither riling each other up or turning each other on too much.

Riley was now staying over at her teachers about twice a week. Sometimes three times and when she wasn't they'd FaceTime and stay online all night, listening to each other sleep. The brunette had never felt this way before. Sure she thought she loved people but she realized that she'd never been in love.

Robyn too appreciated that this felt different, she'd never been with someone who paid her so much respect in a relationship, who made her feel so full, so complete. She couldn't wait until the student graduated and they could think about how they'd spend the rest of their lives. Riley felt like the person for the rest of her life, she would sometimes dream about their wedding day and bringing a family up.

The only problem they had was Sam.

Sam had continued to contact Robyn hoping by some miracle that the blonde would change her mind. She'd also started doing a bit of snooping on this Riley character her ex was seeing. She'd found out that she was a swim instructor from a milf she'd picked up at the bar the other week. So that was a start. Robyn would never settle for someone like that. Not when she could have a lawyer. She wondered how she could put together a plan to destroy them and have the teacher running heartbroken back into her arms.

Oblivious to Sam's intent. Robyn thought she'd been clear with her former partner that she was never going back and that she was happier than she'd ever been in her life. Riley was her future, two months and they'd be free. She knew she was lucky, she'd been so horrible to the biker while she was trying to deny her feelings. She sat in the bed for a moment surrounded by clothes for their trip. She felt horrible. Victor came over to offer support as he always did, he was such an intuitive cat. He brushed his head against her. "You know Vic, mummy has been a bitch. We're very lucky Riley is who she is, I would have run a mile if someone treated me like that." She knew more than ever she needed to step up. Things needed to be said. She needed to give the biker some power in this relationship. It had to be a partnership equal or it would never work. She got it now that's why teachers shouldn't get involved with students. They hold all the power. And I abused mine. She felt so guilty, it made her feel nauseous. Victor settled on her lap while she gazed into space.

Riley arrived at the apartment late morning. "You okay?" The brunette could sense something didn't feel right. She wondered if this was going to be another time that the teacher would hurt her.

"No, I think we should talk."

"I knew it, you're going to end it again. Is it Sam?"

"No and no. Please Ry I just need to say something that I've been thinking about."

Riley took a seat at the kitchen table.

"Look I know that I've apologized before and you've been so understanding but I just wanted to say I've been so horrible to you, I got so caught up in trying to not feel anything for you that I failed you as a student. You're not stupid and I should never have said that or insinuated that you were. I should have arranged things and supported you like I'm meant to. I also hate that because of how I behaved I have ended up with all the power in this relationship. That I'm not sure you say everything you want to because you're scared I'll end it again. I don't want that. I want us to be those two women who met in the bar and fell for each other. I want us to be equal. I want you to be able to say what you think and feel. I've never met someone with your patience or stubbornness who has been so kind even when I have been the worst person I could be to you. I'm sorry. I want us just to be Riley, that very hot, confident biker. You were so in control. Be her and I'll be nervous that you're too good for me and that I want to be the best possible person I can for us. So let's go to Mexico and really get to know each other."

Riley smiled. "Right blondie, you're on."

Robyn looked into the bikers' eyes as they were gleaming. She noticed the dimples as always on the square jawline. "Fuck your handsome."

"Yeah, I know." Riley winked. "So you ready for the mini vacation of your life?"

Robyn smiled. "That's a bold claim."

"Not really, the two of us, three night, for nights your not going to be able to walk when you get home."

Robyn laughed. "There she is the woman I fell in love with."

Riley stood up and kissed her partner.

As the pair loaded the bags into Robyn's car. Sam stood covertly watching, as she had been sporadically monitoring the blondes house.

The pair got in the teachers car excited for the weekend ahead and the music blared.

"Phil Collins, seriously!" Riley shook her head as Robyn pulled away from the apartment complex.

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