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Riley entered her girlfriend's class; it had been the first time she'd seen them in person since they had arrived from Mexico the week before. She felt an overwhelming desire to approach and kiss the blonde. She put her head down instead and looked at the back of the class. Scared that the emotion she was feeling would be apparent on her face. When the brunette finally felt brave enough to look up she noticed Robyn smiling briefly at her from the front of the class.

The teacher was wearing a necklace that the biker had gotten her on holiday. It made Riley's heart flutter and gave her a strange feeling of satisfaction. It was the first time she'd actually seen any woman wear jewelry that she had purchased for them. She smiled back subtly before putting her head back into her copy of the Merchant of Venice.

"Marshall. Can you stay behind for a moment." Mrs Westland said as the bell signaled for morning break.

The rest of the students filed out.

"Hey. You look great." Riley whispered, "I noticed you're wearing the necklace."

"Yeah. I was just going to say that I've spoken to Mrs Carter and I have arranged some extra sessions in the base so you can get a head start on the last of your coursework. I'll be around after school those days too if you want to go over your English project." Robyn winked.

"Thanks Miss." Riley nodded, this was going to be the only way to spend some extra time together and she understood that.

She'd spent the last week of the Spring break doing coursework, her father was on downtime, and it was easier than arguing. Not that she had anything other than actual work to do that week anyway. So it would be helpful for the base to read it over.

"Penny for them?" It was Amy.

"Nothing, just thinking about course work. Ms Westland has arranged a few appointments at the support base."

"That's good. You know I'm happy to read over anything too." The redhead smiled. "So how was your break?"

"Mixed. I went away with someone on holiday for the first weekend. Then I did homework and worked the rest of the time."

"Ah, this mystery woman. Was her husband away?"

"Eh, oh yeah." Riley hated lying to Amy. "You have a good time."

"Well yeah spent most of it with Jordan he stayed over a few nights. We took our relationship to the next level."

Riley smiled, "that's a huge step." The brunette looked like they wanted to ask a question.

"Go on. Just ask."

"I know he's pre op. How'd that work?"

Amy smiled. "I don't think he is thinking about bottom surgery. The T makes certain parts of his anatomy grow. He's not shy so if you really want to know ask him, he's very proud of what he refers to as his toadstool." Amy laughed as she noticed the biker redden. "Wonders will never cease. You're all shy."

"Sorry. So like tribbing then?" Riley asked.

"Yeah, a bit. But he can get inside."

"Right, sorry for the questions. Just curious."

"So this woman you're seeing. Is it love?"

Riley smiled and nodded, "yeah. Definitely. I've never been in love before."

"Feels good doesn't it." Amy said as they joined Jordan and a few others in the canteen."


Across town, Sam walked into the leisure center. She had deduced that it was time she got to know Riley better, being a constant thorn in the side of the couple might work after all, there was always more than one way to skin a cat. She had a look on the staff board. She didn't see Riley's smug face amongst the group. Unperturbed, she made her way to the reception desk.

"I was looking for Riley." She half asked.

"Are you looking to book a lesson?" The receptionist smiled.


"Okay you're aware that she only teaches Adults on a Sunday. You have to pay for the lesson and us for the admission to the pool.

Sam nodded.

"I'll check her availability."


"Yeah, thought so she's not in on Sunday she's off to take part in some inter high school soccer tournament. It will be the first Sunday in May before I can fit you in."

Sam smiled. "Did you say high school?"

The receptionist gave a confused nod.

"I thought she was older. I'm not having some teenager teaching me to swim."

"No, she is older." The administrator added quickly, worried that she'd just lost the instructor a client.

"No it's okay I think I'll leave it."

"She's really good."

"Thanks but no." Sam shook her head. Even before she managed to turn completely from the reception area a huge smile formed on her face. Riley was still in school. Around here that probably meant she attended Henry Blackwood, Robyn was seeing a student. Her mind started turning with the wheels of possibility.

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