Takahara's Backfired

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From : yamadagenta@takahara.com
To : rentakahara@takahara.com
Date : Feb 14, 2024, 03:05 AM
Subject: Soon To Be Headliners

Dear Your Highness,

Cut the crap for everything. I'm not gonna take it long. We should not take it long. We're—I'm surely going to have a lot of things to do before you're awake—even if you've been hard to sleep lately. But I told you. I told you multiple times, dear sir. From the very first time, I doubted the decisions you chose; it will not be good. It will backfire you, will backfire Takahara.

It's about time for calm water gonna be a burning fire.

And she's really burning it all.

Thank you for the task I tore up for making me have ten hands and twenty feet. Two brains. Please read with all your heart the attachment below as soon as possible. Your name is gonna be in many countries.

Should you celebrate Valentine's Day with couple things with her instead of this? This you started.

I know how powerful you're, and I'm sorry if in this email I'm kind of losing manners to someone who pays me bucks of thousand dollars. A high pay check for high-risk work. It's a fair—fair enough. I know.

But, let me get straight to you.

Don't forget to raise my salary for this damn chaos you are expecting, Ren. It's all got pretty messy.

I don't know what to say again. But, good luck.

And happy Valentine.

Were your best man,

Genta Yamada


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