Chapter Twenty Eight

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"Its been three days,three fucking days and she's still the same. What is happening?"
I shouted harshly and carelessly at Dr Sullivan,banging my fists deep in the table of his needlessly huge office. In that moment,I couldn't be bothered with the way I conducted myself,it didn't matter to me.

Sarah had been unconsciouss for three days,since the accident on seventeenth street,the doctors had been giving me bullshit medical bollocks,and I was fed up,because when it came to holding on to hope,I was always jaded.

In that moment,I had fallen foul of manners,all I wanted was to see Sarah again,to hold her and see that faint yet sincere smile,it brightened up my world. And somehow I couldn't help but feel all beat and wounded up,like it was all my fault.

I shouldn't have gone back to hit that man,I should have went straight behind the wheel as Sarah had implored me to do.

'Come on Es let's go.' I should have listened to her,My God I couldn't lose her. NO.

On the other hand,I thought God was trying to punish me for being a selfish arsehole,the moment I saw that Sarah was tangled in her world of miseries and unending misfortunes,I should have let her go,but I didn't, I instead,set her on for a final hit that would probably ruin her beyond repair. Yes,God was about to punish me,ruin me. I deserved it,Sarah didn't. It was my sin.

These torturing thoughts have been going through my mind for three days nonstop,I was losing my mind. The moment I heard the squeak of brakes and turned to see Sarah lying lifelessly on the road all covered in blood,my heart stopped,my heart literally stopped.

The thought of Living without Sarah wasn't only unbearable,it was unimaginable. And that had me thinking for Sarah,how she'd feel when I...OH GOD.

I was losing my mind.

"Mr Alcaraz if you could just calm down-"

"So that what? You'll feed me with some boring medical grammar again? I'm not having that,I'm done having that." I cut the Dr. off,hastily.

'Please God don't punish me this way,please.' I prayed silently.

"She is responding to medical treatments,you have to trust me,Mr. Alcaraz. Give it a little more time,please." He mused.

"Responding to medical treatment huh? I don't suppose you can be more specific,because 'that' does not look like responding to any damn treatment." I stated.

"Matter of fact,I'm suing this hospital,where are the directors? I'm having all your licenses rebuked. You all just wait and see,I will-"

"ES!!!" It was Simon's voice. The voice came on together with the bang of the door to Dr. Sullivan's office.
"Catch a fucking grip of yourself you bastard. You've been making a fool of yourself for three days,shouting and screaming all over the hospital like a mad man."
Simon had that stern tone I only hear when I had really gone out of control.

"She will be alright,come on,hold on to hope." He said the last sentence in a more calm tone,and it surprisingly calmed me down.

"Dr. Sullivan?..." I started,calm,and mild. I sauntered behind the desk and over to where he was seated and dragged him by the arm,He stood up abruptly and followed me,so did Si,all puzzled,I could feel it by the tension of the air we shared.

I dragged Dr. Sullivan down the hallway and into the private ward where Sarah was lying with all sorts of complicated machines around her. Sitting by the door of her room,were Jake and his Fiancé. We passed them and went straight to Sarah's bed. They all curiously followed immediately. Then I released Dr. Sullivan's arm.

"Dr. Sullivan.....You see this lady right here? she is my life,my world and my happiness,right here. The further she stays away from me the more my life slips away from my grip,help her,and you'll be helping three souls altogether,I can't live without her,I can't...." I choked on my last words,they all looked at me like I had lost my mind,yet with so much pity and sympathy.

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