Chapter Fifteen

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The sharp ray of lights creeping in from behind my curtains woke me up.
I lifted my phone to glance at the time and it was already nine in the morning.

I noticed a message from Naveed;

"Babe,Emergency from home,My mother's condition getting critical,I just left for Philadelphia. Will be back as soon as i can,I miss you already,call when you get this."

I felt my heart get heavy for Naveed,what was it about ailments and hospitals in just twenty four hours. First it was Jake's sister,now Naveed's mother.

I dialed Naveed's number instantly.

"Hey.." He said.

"Hello there,you alright?"

"Yeah,okay." He answered.

"How is she? You there yet?"

"Yes,she's err,the same." His voice sounded stable,and that gave me some sort of relief.

"Send my love okay? I hope she gets better,im sorry babe." I said.

"Thank you sweetheart,I'll talk to you okay?" He prompted,something in his voice sounded in a hurry to cut the line.

"I miss you" I said.

"Me too babe,bye."

I winced inwardly. "Okay,bye." I dropped.

I didn't get to ask when Naveed was getting back in New York,I thought it inappropriate given the situation with his mom.
I'd missed him already.

With nothing to do,no work to go to,I had a shower,made breakfast and settled on the couch.

It was going to be a long day,and I knew it.


Lazying around at home,alone,with Jake and Maya all out to work,I got tired and needed to do something.
It was supposed to be my 'interview' day with the Alcaraz empire,if it had not been for Naveed's impromptu travel.

I wore my beige color short dress,and slid my tiny legs into black wedges,throwing my satchel across my shoulder while I applied a little make up.
I let my hair cascade behind my back.

My phone started to ring and I shuffled through my satchel until I got a hold of it.
'"Hey babe. "You good?" I greeted.

"Hi baby,listen,i'm in a hurry,got to get back to mom,Your interview for three p.m still stands,you should be at the Alcaraz Empire latest by two p.m." He stopped.
"I'll clear you when you get to the lobby,call so i'll talk to the concierge."

Ah. Right on time. I felt tempted to ask Naveed so many things,like what do i say? What do i show? But I let it.

"Okay baby,thank you,I'll be out now." I said.

"Okay babe,bye." He dropped.

I stared at the phone for a few seconds,a lot of things going through my head.
Like why was Naveed acting so... Off?
I knew his Mom was ill but...
I let it go.

Quarter after one P.m I left the apartment and made towards Alcaraz Empire.
I called Jake on the way to inform him about the interview and He wished me luck.

The building still looked the same from last time I visited.
I walked over to the lobby and brought out my phone. I dialed Naveed's number and he picked at first ring,He spoke to the concierge and I was given a tag which I wore around my neck like a necklace.

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