4. Promises

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Becky's pov

I was so busy today with my classes and i couldn't meet P'Freen. I was a little disappointed.

I reached my home and saw my dad sitting on the sofa.

"Hi dad" I greeted him

"You just reached home princess?" He asked and i nodded "i need to talk about something princess. Can we talk now or after dinner" he asked

"We can talk after dinner dad. I'm a little tired and I want to shower first." I said and he nodded

I went to my room and took a shower. It was relaxing after the bath.

I went back down and saw my parents and riche sitting in the dining table. We ate our dinner and i helped my mom in cleaning dishes.

We all were sitting in the sofa "so dad what do you wanna tell me" i asked him

"How's your college " he asked

"It's good dad, a bit tiring" i said

"Princess can you do me a favour " he said and i nodded "so I want you to marry my friend's daughter. He is......."He continued what he was saying but I got lost at his one word 'marriage' and i felt like my world had been crushed.

I got up from there and I went back to my room. My parents were calling me but i wasn't in my right mind to respond. I cried a lot when i reached my home.

At morning

I didn't wanna face my parents, so I left for campus early with Irin.

We reached the campus. And there weren't many people. So we decided to roam around. And i didn't wanna be alone so I went with her

As we were walking we heard some voices,
"Please leave me alone, don't do this" someone was crying

Me and Irin heard and we nodded. We quickly put on our masks. We didn't wanna risk showing our faces.

We quickly went near where the sound was coming and we saw a person wearing a mask like us trying to harm another boy. I punched him in his face and he fell to the ground. Irin  helped the injured one.

That person quickly got up and tried to attack me. But I was fast and punched in the stomach. I went near her and saw that it was a girl. I was going to remove her mask, but suddenly she kicked me in the stomach and ran away.

I came back to check the injured one. I saw a tattoo of a snake on his nape. While checking on the injuries. He thanked us and left.

"Irin, do you think that we did the right thing" I asked, cause when I was fighting with the girl in a mask the boy was smiling at her.

"Why do you ask that" she asked

"I don't know, I get a creepy vibe from that boy" i said

"Ok, let's do a background check on that boy" she said

"And do some investigation about the girl in the mask too" I said and she nodded

"you don't have any injuries right" she asked

"I'm fine, but she must've got a bruise on her abdomen" i said

"I think I've seen her somewhere. She looked familiar " Irin said and i nodded

"Let's find out quickly" I said and we went to the canteen to have breakfast

Freen's pov

"Fuck" i growled in pain

"Why did you go alone" Nam asked. I am at the counsel room applying medicine on my injured body.

"That must have been hurting a lot" Enga said

"You want one" I asked

"Did you see who it was" Noey asked

"Nope, she was wearing a mask" i said

"Is she a part of serpent gang" Heng asked

"I don't think so, but I'm not sure either" I said

"We should investigate this properly" Kate said

"Yes we should, Engfa and Noey you will search about the girls and the serpent boy" I said and they nodded "Nam, Kate and Heng I want you to find out about the other serpent members in our campus" i said and nodded

"We will do it Freen, but you should rest now" Nam said and i nooded

"Let's meet at lunch guys" Engfa said and left

After resting for an hour I went back to my class. Nam and Kate were there so I sat beside them.

We went to lunch together. Noey, Engfa was already there

"Where's Heng" Nam asked

"He went to meet our informer" Enga said and we nooded

Charlotte came behind Engfa and kissed her on the cheek. And Engfa pulled her lap and gave a passionate kiss on the lips.

"Oh my eyes" Nam exclaimed and we chuckled

"No PDA guys" Noey said and they broke the kiss

"Sorry vice president" Charlotte said

"Eww, is that really you" i heard Becky's voice. She was with irin and a boy

"What" Charlotte asked

"Nothing cousin that was really an eyesore sight. Maybe i should wash my eyes" Becky said and they chuckled and Char rolled her eyes

"Guys this is Nop, he is also in our friend and he is majoring in computer science" char said

"Welcome to the gang Nop, finally another boy"  Heng said

"When did you reach" Kate asked

"Just now" he replied

"How did it go" Nam asked

"We have some good news" he said and smiled

"So Heng you won't be having the only boy in hot girls group previlage anymore " Nam said and smirked

"It doesn't matter, atleast I have a companion now" he said and gave Nop and smile "it's good to have you buddy" with that they all sat down.

We all had some fun conversations. And Becky, irin and Nop are becoming more comfortable with us. The more the merrier. I always caught Becky stealing glances of me. It's weird. But cute at the same time. But at the same time she seems a little sad.

Becky, irin, Nop and Charlotte left first.

"So what's the news Heng" I asked him

"Actually we got an information that someone from law department is helping serpant gang. And they are not first years. Cause from the information i got they have been helping them for a year now" he said

"And the ones that you fought today, weren't from their gang. The person you caught was actually not from our college he came here to supply something " he added

"Who might be the girls" i asked

"We will find out as soon as possible Freen" Noey said and i nodded

After the talk we went back to our classes.

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