41. Teasing

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Becky's pov

After the wonderful love making and a good breakfast we are now heading to Chankimah's mansion, Ma has invited us over for lunch. And our friends are also invited so that we can celebrate their finishing their exams.

We reached there before 12 and we saw my Mom and Ma cooking together and talking. Also Dad, Pa and Riche are coming downstairs. They welcomed us with hugs.

"Finally I can see my baby" Ma said embracing Freen.

"Mom, I missed you" she said and Hugged her back

"What about your old man" Pa said and we all chuckled

"You are not an old man, you are still young, dad and of course I missed you too" she said giving him a hug.

"Come here" my mom said and gave her a hug

"I missed you too meh" she said

"Oh my sweet daughter" my mom said and patted her head.

"It's nice to have you back sister in law" Riche said patting her shoulder

"I hope you didn't mess up any documents while i was away" Freen said and chuckled

"Hey that happened only one time" Riche said and pouted and we all laughed

"How are you kid, is my daughter taking good care of you" my dad asked

"Dad.... " I whined

"She's such an angel, and yes she's taking care of me pretty well" she said making me blush

"Well i hope Freen is doing the same Becca " Ma asked

"She's treating me like her queen Ma, don't worry " I assured her

Our conversation interrupted by the arrival of our friends.

"Wooh, family time without us" Char said and came near us. They all greeted each other. Mom and Ma went back to cooking. Dad and pa went to living room. Riche went to pick up his girlfriend and we are walking to the backside.

I was walking between Char and Irin "It's good that you tried to hide those hickey mark but next time try harder, we all saw that" Irin said and i looked at her. Wtf

"Fuck" I said and bit my lower lip

"I'll teach you na" Char said giving me a teasing look. I rolled my eyes and walked past them and walked beside Freen. When Freen felt my presence she interwined our hands and gave me a peck.

"Hoooi, No PDA" Nam said

"Say that to Mind " Freen said back and we all laughed.

We reached the garden and took seats. There were juice and snacks for us to have. p'Freen took a seat and made me sit on her lap.

"There are plenty of seat here Freen" Noey said

"So what" she said and rolled her eyes "babe kha, try this " she said and fed me some snacks

"I didn't know that the ARMSTRONG'S arms are WEAK" Irin commented

"Don't be jealous Noey is right beside you gummy bear,  you can ask her to feed you" i fired back.

"Ooi our little Bec is getting more braver huh" Engfa said chuckled

"Well, why should I be shy or afraid when I have a handsome wife" I said flexing a lot

"Wow so much flexing" Nam said

"Where's Mind and Kirk" Noey asked

"Mind will be here in a minute but Kirk...." Nam said and looked at Kate

"What don't look at me, I don't know" Kate said

"Come on he is a good guy and you also like him, why don't you just say yes to him" Heng said.

"We didn't know that Kate has a crush on someone" Irin asked

"Well she has, but she doesn't admit it" Engfa said

"Why" I asked her. Kate was gonna say something but Nam said it first

"Don't give that he is younger bullshit " Kate said.

"You have already dated a younger man, why are you hesitating " Noey asked

"Cause she's afraid " Freen said and we all looked at her

"She's afraid that kirk might also be childish and insecure and immature like the one she dated" Freen added "but Kate, trust me Kirk is not like him. Im sure that he wil take care of you better than anyone else" Freen said

"I know, but....." Kate was cut off by Nam

"No buts, talk to him first go on a date and decide after that na" Nam said

After some moments of thinking Kate said "okay kha I'll give it a try" and we all squealed

"Why are you all yelling " said Mind

"Oh Hey Love" Nam said and pecked Mind

"Hooi no PDA " Kate said and we all laughed. Kirk came behind her and we all sat down and talked about them.

Kate excused herself and Kirk. They went to the other side to talk

"I hope they will come smiling" Noey said

"I hope too" Nam said.

"Hey Freen, why don't we go to our gym" Engfa asked

"You have a gym here" i asked excitedly

"Yeah, why don't we go there" Freen said and we all agreed.

Her gym was huge, with a boxing ring and lots of punching bags. Me, irin and char were looking at the boxing gloves.

"So you wanna try" Engfa asked and we nodded "why don't you girls go and get changed while we arrange everything for you" She added and we all went to change

Nam and mind didn't wanna participate like Heng and Non. They sat at a table playing video games. When we came back from getting changed I only saw Engfa and Noey at the ring. p'Freen was nowhere to be found

"She'll be back, she went to get changed" Noey said like she read my thoughts and i nodded

"Hey" I heard p'Freen's voice. Whe was back hugging me and giving my shoulder kisses.

"Hey babe" I said and giving her a peck

"Wow you all are ready, why don't we have a match then I'll be the referee" Nam said

"Ok " We all said

"Okay but before that can i ask you something" Nam asked and we looked at her in a confused way

"So you know, one of your Luna member kicked our member, you remember that?"" She asked. How could I not remember that

"Yeah what about that" i asked back

"Who was it??" She asked and we laughed

"It was Bec" Irin said

"Wooooo, what a destiny" Noey exclaimed

"What?" I asked

"Do you know, she had a huge bruise and she had to ice it for a 3 days" Engfa said

"Don't tell me it's one of you" I said

"It's not like one of us" Noey said "it's your wife who you kicked" Noey added and i looked at p'Freen

"Fuck" i mumbled and they all laughed

"So it was you huh?" p'Freen asked

Oh lord


Author's note

I promise I'll make it up to you guys for the mature part, I know it's not what you expected but I'll try to write it better

Take care, till then 🌷💜

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