62. Hormones

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Freen's pov

It's been 2 months since we know that Becky is pregnant. She's now 3 months pregnant and we could see her small bumb on her stomach which is adorable.

We stayed at her parents house until my morning sickness was cured. At first it was difficult, i couldn't stand any smell. But it got better, Bec doesn't use any smelly things which made easy to be around her. And we slept together without me running away to the bathroom. She took care of me through the sickness.

I was sad that she had taken care of me when she was one who is pregnent and i should be the one who has to take care her. But I was also glad that she doesn't have to go through this sickness and I'm glad that I'm the one feeling it.

"Hey wifey, you feeling good" bec asked as she opened her eyes. She's snuggling closer to me

"Hmmm, I am" I said and pecked her

"Glad that your sickness ended" Bec said

"Me too my love, now I can spoil my wife as much as I can" I said and she giggled

"We should get ready, we have an appointment today and Nam and Kate are accompanying us today and I don't want them to tease us throughout our ride" she said as she got up.

"Why do they have to come, I'm all better now" I said and got up

"I know my love, but they also excited like us and they want to be a part of it" she said and i nodded. Yes we have already talked about this. They all were excited and when I was sick they took care of Becky by visiting her daily and giving her food. And they wanted to be a part of Becky's pregnancy and how could I say no. And Becky was ok that so we agreed.

"Hmm, let's take shower together" i said and carried her to bath.

The shower was super long. Oh don't blame me for that, i was controlling my urges as much as i could, until Bec made her move. Who could resist they wife. So i give in.

We got ready and I made her wear comfy clothes. And made her some breakfast to eat. She carves for my cooking recently and I to make food for her.

After breakfast we were waiting for Nam and Kate and we started to watch a Disney movie. After 30 minutes they arrived and we all went to the hospital.

"How are you mama" It was Doc Heidi. She was the one's checking Becky. I don't know why I get offended whenever she calls Bec mama.

I felt Becky's hand on me and i smiled and sat beside her.

"I'm gonna apply some gel on your tummy" Doc Heidi said as she applied some. "look at the screen" she said and we all looked at the screen. It's the first time we are gonna see our baby. Last time when we were gonna look at the baby. I got sickness and i ran away and bec asked the doctor that she will do this next time and the doctor said ok.

"Oh my it's so tiny" I said and tears were forming in my eyes

"Yes mrs Chankimha, and your baby is perfectly fine. Are you ready to hear the heartbeat" Doc Heidi asked and we nodded.
We heard tiny heartbeats. OMG it was so amazing.

"Oh my baby" i said and looked at Becky lovingly. She was laughing at my expressions.

"Ok, I will get the photo and recording of the session and give you some time" Doc Heidi said and left.

"We will go and check with her ok" Nam asked and i nodded

"Hey daddy" bec called me and i grinned

"Hey mommy" i said and she chuckled

"Come here" she said as she spread her arms so that I could hug her. I wasted no time and hugged her.

"Thank you baby" I said and she chuckled. We stayed like that for 15 minutes sharing kisses and looks.

After fifteen minutes the Doctor came back with Nam and Kate. Doctor gave us some medications and we left after that.

We went back to our parents house to show them the pictures and videos.

I was talking to Engfa and Noey when Bec came beside me and sat on my lap. Engfa and Noey went to the other and gave us some privacy.

"What are you thinking bec" i asked her.

"Hmm baby I'm craving for something" she said

"What do you want just name it, I'll go and get it for you" I said and I saw her eyes lit up.

"I want ripe mangoes and guava" she said. But it's winter season where will I get mangoes in this month.

"But bec, it's not season for mangoes" I said and she pouted

"You don't love me anymore" she asked and gave me puppy eyes

"It's not like that bec" i said but she was still pouting "ok, let me check it online" I said and she looked at me

"No, you will go and pick fresh mango for me and our baby" she said and i nodded. I don't want to make her sad.

"I'll be back soon" I said and left her. On my way Engfa and Noey asked where I am going. I'm not sure so I didn't answer them. They followed me.

And I drove my car they were beside me. "take your phone and check if there's any ripe mangoes nearby" i said and they nodded.

"Found it, there a garden near a province but it's 3 hours drive from here" Engfa said.

"Ok let's go there" I said

"Seriously Freen" Noey asked

"Yes, my wife wants that I will give her what she wants" I said and they nodded

"Lucky bec" Noey mumbled

"Don't worry when your girlfriends get pregnant I will help you too so sit back and rest" i said they nodded.

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